Conference/workshop proceedings (i/ii):
351). Devendra Pal (oral presenting author), Ryan Hall, Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas Preston, Parisa A. Ariya*. Distinction of Supercooled droplets from the Ice Crystals in Mixed-phase Cloud Regime: McGill Real-time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC). The 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin, Germany, July 2023. Oral Presentation.
350) Houjie Li (oral presentation), Parisa Ariya*. “The Emission and Physicochemical Properties of Light-Absorbing Organic Carbon at A Cold-Climate Site”. 106th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2023.
349) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. A combination of laboratory experiments and modelling study for micro/nanoplastic coatings and dynamics in water (oral presentation). Montreal, Canada, August 2023.
348) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Real-time and in-situ analysis of micro/nanoplastic particles in aquatic system (poster presentation). The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023. Berlin, Germany, July 2023.
347) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas Preston, Parisa A. Ariya. Physicochemical properties of dynamic Aerosol Particles using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): beyond the diffraction barrier. The 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin, Germany, July 2023. Poster presentation.
346) Houjie Li (poster presentation), Parisa Ariya*. “The Emission and Physicochemical Properties of Light-Absorbing Carbonaceous Particles at A Cold-Climate Site”. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, April 2023.
345) Mattie Hibbs (poster presentation), Gorjana Barudzija, Fiona McIntosh, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. Ariya*, Ice Nucleation Microphysics of Airborne Viruses and Their RNA, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), Vancouver, CA 2023
344) Zaki Nasreddine, Devendra Pal & Parisa Ariya*, physicochemical processes of carbonaceous aerosols: from nanoparticles to precipitation, CSC 2023, Vancouver, BC -poster
343) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*, Nano-DIHM for Micro/Nanoplastic Study: Coatings and Dynamic Processes in Water (oral presentation). PURE CREATE Symposium. Montreal, Canada, January 2023.
342) Zaki Nasreddine, Devendra Pal & Parisa Ariya*, physicochemical processes of carbonaceous aerosols: from nanoparticles to precipitation, PURE create symposium, Montreal -poster
341) P. A. Ariya*, A, Pelichi, Z. Wang, Modelling of dispersion of nano and microplastics, ASLO, June, Spain, 2023 (poster)
340). Benilde Mizero, Saba Akbari, P. A. Ariya*, Development of sustainable clay-based technology for removal of toxic contaminants in snow, CCCE, Vancouver, 2023
338) Benilde Mizero, Saba Akbari, P. A. Ariya*, Development of sustainable clay-based technology for removal of toxic contaminants in snow, PURE workshop, Montreal, 2023
337) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Elliot Zolfaghar, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. Ariya* Indoor Air Purifiers, Fine and Ultrafine Aerosol Particles: Where is the Technology Now? Abstract refereed. 106th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 2023.
336) Yevgen Nazarenko (Helen Ginzburg presented), Elliot Zolfaghar, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. Ariya*. Emission of Fine and Ultrafine Aerosol Particles from Electric Blowers of Air Purifiers. Abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 116th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Orlando, FL, USA, June 2023
335) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Devendra Pal, Sanjeev Dwivedi, Parisa A. Ariya*. PM2.5 Ambient Air Quality Standards: Time to Rethink Temporal Variability, Morphology and Consider Nanoparticles.Long abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 115th Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2022.
334) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting oral presentation), Mahboubeh Ahmadi Bonakdar, Ouassim Hamdi, Maïline Fok Cheung, Denis Rodrigue, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Gas filtration materials from compostable polybutylene succinate (BioPBS). Abstract refereed. 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2022.
333) Zi Wang (presenting oral presentation), Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Quantitative Analysis of Micro/Nano-Plastic Particles in Water Empowered by Machine Learning, The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago. December 12 - 16, 2022.
332) Devendra Pal (presenting oral presentation), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas Preston, Parisa A. Ariya*. 3D detection of Moving Aerosol Particles Using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): Beyond the Diffraction Barrier. 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2022.
331) Houjie Li (presenting oral presentation)and Parisa A. Ariya*, “Black Carbon Data Set in Montreal: Trend of Seasons and Impact of COVID-19”. at Canadian Chemistry Conferences and Exhibitions in Calgary on June 16th, 2022.
330) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Combining Experimental Study with Numerical Model to Determine the Transportation and Fate of Microplastics in Various Aquatic Environments, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), Calgary. June 13 - 17, 2022.
329).Gorjana Barudzija, Mattie 329_Hibbs, Fiona McIntosh, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. AriyaAn Ice Nucleation Study of Airborne VirusesCanadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE)Calgary, Alberta, CanadaJune 13-17, 2022
328)1.Devendra Pal, Zaki NassredinZi Wang, Dev Pal, and P. A. Ariya*, International Global Atmospheric Chemistry
conference (IGAC), Manchester, 2022
327) . Devendra Pal, Zaki Nassredin and P. A. Ariya*, International Global Atmospheric
Chemistry conference (IGAC), Manchester, 2022
326) Hall, R.; Pal, D.; Ariya, P.A. Using a novel in-situ and real-time Nano-DIHM technique for
rapid characterization of oil, heavy metals, and biological spills in water systems.
Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, June 13-17, 2022.
325). Devendra Pal (presenting oral presentation), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas C Preston and Parisa A. Ariya*.3D detection of Moving Aerosol Particles Using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): Beyond the Diffraction Barrier.CCCE 2022, Calgary, AB, June 2022.
324. Devendra Pal (presenting oral presentation)Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas C Preston and Parisa A. Ariya* “Imaging Moving Aerosol Particles Using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): Beyond the Diffraction Barrier”. 115th ACE, San Fransisco, 2022, June 27-June 30)
323) Devendra Pal (presenting author), R. Hall, J. Philippe and P.A. Ariya*.McGill Real-time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Nanosized Ice Nucleiation Measurements." CCCE 2022, Calgary, AB, June 2022
322) Yevgen Nazarenko, Mahboubeh Ahmadi Bonakdar, Ouassim Hamdi, Maïline Fok Cheung, Denis Rodrigue, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Gas filtration materials from compostable polybutylene succinate (BioPBS). Abstract refereed. 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2022.
321) Zi Wang Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Quantitative Analysis of Micro/Nano-Plastic Particles in Water Empowered by Machine Learning, The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago. December 12 - 16, 2022.
320) Devendra Pal , yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas Preston, Parisa A. Ariya*. 3D detection of Moving Aerosol Particles Using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): Beyond the Diffraction Barrier. 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2022.
319) Houjie Li and Parisa A. Ariya*, “Black Carbon Data Set in Montreal: Trend of Seasons and Impact of COVID-19”. at Canadian Chemistry Conferences and Exhibitions in Calgary on June 16th, 2022.
318) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Combining Experimental Study with Numerical Model to Determine the Transportation and Fate of Microplastics in Various Aquatic Environments, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), Calgary. June 13 - 17, 2022.
317) Gorjana Barudzija, Mattie Hibbs, Fiona McIntosh, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. AriyaAn Ice Nucleation Study of Airborne VirusesCanadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE)Calgary, Alberta, CanadaJune 13-17, 2022
316) Zi Wang, Nadim K. Saadé, and Parisa A. Ariya. Advances in Ultra-Trace Analytical Capability for Micro/Nanoplastics and Water-Soluble Polymers in the Environment. Oral presentation, IUPAC|CCCE 2021, Virtual, August 13 - 20, 2021
315) Zi Wang, Nadim K. Saadé, and Parisa A. Ariya. Advances in Ultra-Trace Analytical Capability for Micro/Nanoplastics and Water-Soluble Polymers in the Environment. Oral presentation, PURE CREATE, Montreal, November 10, 2021
314) R. Mortazavi, S. Attiya, P. Ariya, Interactions of Bacteria with Heavy Metals in Arctic Snow and Frost flowers. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS), Ottawa, May 31 – June 11, 2021
313) Houjie Li and Parisa A. Ariya (2021). Black Carbon Particles Physicochemical Real-Time Data Set in a Cold City: Trends of Fall-Winter BC Accumulation and COVID-19. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD035265. (Peer-reviewed research article)
312) Houjie Li and Parisa A. Ariya (2021). Black Carbon Emission in a Cold-climate Site and Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic. 104thCanadian Chemistry Conference & Exhibition (Aug 13-20, 2021, Virtual, poster presentation)
311) Houjie Li and Parisa A. Ariya (2021). Black Carbon Particles Physicochemical real-time dataset in a Cold City: Trends of Fall-Winter BC Accumulation and COVID-19. NSERC CREATE-Pure Annual Symposium (Nov 10th, 2021, in person, 3-minute talk)
310) Devendra Pa1 (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas C. Preston and Parisa A. Ariya,Advancing the Science of Airborne Nanosized (< 200 nm) Particles using Optimized Digital Holographic Microscopy (NSERC PURE CREATE Meeting at Udem, November 2021).
309) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of McGill Real time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Studies of Airborne Nano Particles (AGU Fall meeting 2021, Orleans, USA. Online)
308) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of the McGill Real-time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Growth of Airborne Nanoparticles (IUPAC/CCCE 2021, Montreal Canada. Online)
307) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, Yevgen Nazarenko, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of Ice Nucleation Chamber: Ice Nucleation Abilities of Airborne Nano Particles (ICCP 2021, Pune India. Online)
306) R. Hall (presenting author), D. Pal, P. A. Ariya. Measuring Contaminant-Containing Particles In-Situ In Real-Time with Digital In-line Holography. (NSERC PURE CREATE Meeting at Udem, November 2021).
305) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of McGill Real time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Studies of Airborne Nano Particles (AGU Fall meeting 2021, Orleans, USA. Online)
304) Ryan Hall (presenting author), O. Nepotchatykh, E. Nepotchatykh, and Parisa A. Ariya. Anthropogenic Photolabile Chlorine in the Cold-Climate City of Montreal. (IUPAC/CCCE 2021, Montreal Canada. Online)
303) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of the McGill Real-time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Growth of Airborne Nanoparticles (IUPAC/CCCE 2021, Montreal Canada. Online)
302) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, Yevgen Nazarenko, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of Ice Nucleation Chamber: Ice Nucleation Abilities of Airborne Nano Particles (ICCP 2021, Pune India. Online)
301) Ryan Hall (presenting author), Devendra Pal, Parisa A. Ariya. Measuring Contaminant-Containing Particles In-Situ In Real-Time with Digital In-line Holography. (NSERC PURE CREATE Meeting at Udem, November 2021).
300) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Chitra Narayanan, Parisa A. Ariya. Indoor air purifiers in the effort to reduce the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): The advantage of circumferential outflow diffusers. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 114th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Virtual, June 2021. Peer-reviewed.
299) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Regulation Update for Nanomaterials and Nanosafety (In Panel Session "Nanotechnology Research and Safety Update"). A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 114th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Virtual, June 2021.
298) Devendra Pal, Ryan Hall, Yevgen Nazarenko, Parisa A. Ariya. Development of Ice Nucleation Chamber: Ice Nucleation Abilities of Airborne Nano Particles. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP) 2021, Pune, India, August 2021.
297) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas C. Preston and Parisa A. Ariya, Advancing the Science of Airborne Nanosized (< 200 nm) Particles using Optimized Digital Holographic Microscopy. NSERC PURE CREATE Meeting at UdeM, November 2021.
296) Dev Pal, A. Dastoor and P. A. Ariya, 'Metadata for airborne particles in cold-climate 34th Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, 2020.
295) Ryan Hall, O. Neoptokhytch, J. Neopotochkytch, P. A. Ariya, "Development of technology for photolabile halogens in air", , 34th Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, 2020.
294) Houjie Lee, P. A. Ariya, "Observation of black carbon in cold-climate", 34th Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, 2020.
293) Zi Wang, Saade, P. A. Ariya, "Development of technology for ultratrace analysis of micro and nano plastics", , 34th Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, 2020.
292) Dev Pal, P. A. Ariya, "Metadata for airborne nanoparticles", Canadian for Chemistry, annual meeting, CSC 2020, June 2020
291) H. Lee, P. A. Ariya, "Observation of airborne black carbon", Canadian for Chemistry, annual meeting, CSC 2020, June 2020
290) Ryan Hall, O. Neptochytkh, J. Nepotochyth, P. A. Ariya, "Development of technology for photolabile halogens in a cold-climate city of Montreal", Canadian for Chemistry, annual meeting, CSC 2020, June 2020
289) Zi Wang, Saade, P. A. Ariya, "Development of technology for ultratrace analysis of micro and nano plastics", Canadian for Chemistry, annual meeting, CSC 2020, June 2020
288) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Hannah Szeptycki, Parisa A. Ariya. Polymeric Sorbents for Air Purification. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 113th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Virtual, June-July 2020.
287) P. A. Ariya et al.,"Challenges and opportunities in Climate Change", AWAM, 2019
286) P. A. Ariya et al., "Air quality in the age of climate change and emerging contaminants", IUGG, 2019
285) P. A. Ariya et al., "Atmospheric Chemistry in cold Climate", Canadian Society for Chemistry, annual meeting 2019
284) R. M. Hall, O. Nepotchatykh, H. Szeptycki, E. Morris and P. A. Ariya. “Development of an Inexpensive and Sustainable Trap Method for the Measurement of Atmospheric Halogens"Poster presentation, 33rd Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, February 8 - February 10, 2019 ".
283) R. M. Hall, O. Nepotchatykh, H. Szeptycki, E. Morris and P. A. Ariya. “Development of an Inexpensive and Sustainable Trap Method for the Measurement of Atmospheric Halogens"Poster presentation, 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Quebec, June 3 - June 7, 2019 ".
282) R. M. Hall, O. Nepotchatykh, H. Szeptycki, E. Morris and P. A. Ariya. “Development of an Inexpensive and Sustainable Trap Method for the Measurement of Atmospheric Halogens"Oral presentation, 112th Air and Waste Management Association's Annual Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Quebec, June 25 - June 28, 2019 ".
281) Devendra Pal and P. A. Ariya. “Physical and Chemical Properties of Aerosols in Montreal: The Existence of Airborne Nano-sized Emerging Contaminants". Oral presentation, 33rd Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, February 8 - February 10, 2019 "
280) Devendra Pal, Ashu P Dastoor, and P. A. Ariya. “Physical and Chemical Characterization of Aerosols in Montreal: The Existence of Airborne Nano-sized Emerging metal Contaminants". Oral presentation, 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Quebec, June 3 - June 7, 2019 ".
279) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Pascal Tetrault, Patrice Seers, Parisa A. Ariya.Photochemical Transformations of Vehicle Exhaust Pollutants in Snow. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 112th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Quebec, Quebec,
Canada, June 2019
278) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Occupational Safety and Consumer Protection Regulations for Nanomaterials (In Panel Session “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology-based Products: Occupational and Consumer Safety, Management and Regulation”). A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 112th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, June 2019.
277) Z. Wang and P. A. Ariya. "Identification of Polymers Presenting in the Air and Precipitates" Poster presentation, 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Q.C. June 03 - June 07, 2019
276) H.Li, P. A. Ariya. “Quantification and Ice Nucleation Abilities of Soot" Poster presentation, 102th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Montreal, QC. June 3 - June 7, 2019
275) M. Ganguly, P. A. Ariya. “THE ROLE IRON OXIDE NANOCOMPOSITES IN THE FORMATION OF EFFICIENT ICE NUCLEATING PARTICLES WITH SUSTAINABLE REMEDIATION" Oral presentation, 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec, QC. June 3 - June 7, 2019
274) M. Ganguly, P. A. Ariya. “ KAOLIN-IRONOXIDE-HG2CL2 NANOCOMPOSITES fOR ICE NUCLEATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION" Oral presentation, Air &Waste Management Association's 112th Annual Conference and Exhibition. Quebec, QC. June 24 - June 28, 2019.
272) M. Ganguly, P. A. Ariya. “ A Nano-trap for Sustainable Mercury Recycle Technology with the Formation of Efficient Ice nucleating Particles" Poster presentation, 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly. Montreal, QC. July 8 - July 18, 2019.
271) M. Ganguly, P. A. Ariya. “ Kaolin-ironoxide-Hg2Cl2 nanocomposites for ice nucleation and environmental remediation" Oral presentation, Gananoque Sciences and Engineering Conference (CREATE MINES OF KNOWLEDGE). Gananoque, ON. February 8 - February 10, 2019
270) Parisa A. Ariya, Dev Pal, Yevgen Nazarenko, R. Mortazavi, Do snow and ice alter air quality in urban regions? 101 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Edmonton, Alberta. June 2018 (invited lecture)
269) Parisa A. Ariya, Mainak Ganguly, Rodrigo Rangel Alvarez, Jim Goshdastidar, "Nano-emerging contaminant in air" 101 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Edmonton, Alberta. June 2018 (invited lecture)
268) R.M. Hall, D. Lear, and P.A. Ariya, Development of an Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Technique for Aqueous Mercury Speciation, Gananoque Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference, February 2nd to 4th 2018, Gananoque Ontario.
267) R.M. Hall, D. Lear, and P.A. Ariya, Development of an Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Technique for Aqueous Mercury Speciation, Annual meeting RDC-CRSNG-Hydro-Québec 2017-2018, February 13th 2018, Montréal Québec.
266) Devendra Pal, (presenting author), and Parisa A. Ariya. Concurrent Physical and Chemical Studies of nano- and micro-aerosols in Urban Metropolitan Environment Montreal Canada. 2018 Gananoque environmental and engineering conference.
265) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Rodrigo B. Rangel-Alvarado, Parisa A. Ariya. Use of Tangential Flow Filtration in Sample Processing for Aerosol-mediated Analysis of Nanoparticulate Matter in Snow. Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 111th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, June 2018.
264) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Regulatory Update for Nanomaterials (In Panel Session “Nanomaterials: Occupational Safety and Health, Characterization, and Regulation”). Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 111th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, June 2018.263)
263) P. A. Ariya, R. Rangel-Alvarado, Y. Nazarenko and R. Mortazavi. “Arctic Atmospheric and Interfacial Chemistry in a Changing Climate: Impacts on Oxidation, Ice Nucleation and Biogeochemistry" 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Toronto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
262) P. A. Ariya, A. J. Ghoshdastidar, U. Kurien and N. Eltouny. “Metals in Atmosphere and Atmospheric Interfaces: Are they Important on Oxidation, Ice Nucleation and Climate Change?" 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Toronto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
261) J. Ghoshdastidar and P. A. Ariya “It's Not Just a Phase - The Occurrence and Implications of Atmospheric Oxidized Mercury Nanoparticles." Poster presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Toronto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
260) J. Ghoshdastidar and P. A. Ariya “The Characterization of Atmospheric Oxidized Mercury Nanoparticles Conventional and Novel Techniques” Poster presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Toronto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
259) R. M. Hall and P. A. Ariya “Introduction of an Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Technique for Aqueous Mercury Speciation" Poster Presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. University of Toronto, May 28 - June 1, 2017.
258) R. Rangel-Alvarado and P. A. Ariya "Mercury II coatings of iron oxide particles on ice nucleation" Poster presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Tononto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
257) Y. Nazarenko, R. B. Rangel-Alvarado, and P. A. Ariya “Aerosol-mediated Analysis of Nanoparticulate Matter in Snow.” A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 110th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 2017.
256) Y. Nazarenko “Regulation of Nanomaterials” (In Panel Session “Nanomaterials: Occupational Safety and Health, Analysis and Regulation A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 109th Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 2016.
255) Y. Nazarenko, S. Fournier, U. Kurien, R. B. Rangel-Alvarado, O. Nepotchatykh, P. Seers and P. A. Ariya. “Changes of Aerosol Size Distribution and Deposition of Selected Organic Pollutants from Gasoline Engine Exhaust into the Snowpack.” 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2017
254) U. Kurien and P.A. Ariya "Effect of Iron Oxide Aerosols on Traditional Gas Phase Ozone Oxidation of Mercury" Poster presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, May 28 - June 2, 2017
253) H. Lee, U. Kurien and P. A. Ariya, “Adsorption of Gaseous Elemental Mercury on Iron Oxide Surfaces: Implications to Atmospheric Heterogeneous Chemistry”, Poster Presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, ON. May 28 – June 1, 2017. (“Best Graduate Poster” Award in Environment Division)
252) Bryan H. Lee, “Mercury on the Move”, 1st Place 2017 NSERC Science, Action! Video Competition. (
251) U. Kurien, U., Z. Hu and P.A. Ariya, "Development of Novel Green Technology for Mercury Recycling from Spent CFLs" Poster presentation. McGill Sustainability Research Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, March 9 - March 10, 2017
250) A.J. Ghoshdastidar and P.A. Ariya “Project Mercury – Chemical and Phase Speciation of Atmospheric Mercury” Poster presentation. 26th Gananoque Enviromental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Gananoque, Ontario. February 2017
249) R. B. Rangel-Alvarado and P.A. Ariya “Mercury II coatings of iron oxide particles on ice nucleation” 26th Gananoque Enviromental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Gananoque, Ontario. February 2017
248) U. Kurien and P.A. Ariya “The Impact of Iron Oxide Surfaces on Traditional Gas Phase Oxidation of Mercury” 26th Gananoque Enviromental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Gananoque, Ontario. February 2017
247) S. Dib and P.A. Ariya “Mercuric Chloride Converts Iron-Kaolin Composite to a Highly Efficient Ice Nuclei.” Poster presentation. Science Undergraduate Research Study, Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. September 2017
246) Uday Kurien (presenting author), Z. Hu, A. Dastoor, P. A. Ariya, Heterogeneous reactions of mercury on various aerosols 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016 (presentation award).
245) P. A. Ariya and Avik (Jim) Ghosdastidar (presenting author), Development of mercury mass spectrometry . 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016. (Invited talk)
244) Zhenzhong Hu, Parisa A. Ariya. Development of green recycling technique for Hg lamps, 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016
243) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Sébastien Fournier, Uday Kurien, Rodrigo B. Rangel-Alvarado, Patrice Seers, Parisa A. Ariya. Effect of Low Ambient Temperature and Contact with Snow on Composition of Dilute Exhaust from a Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicle Engine. Abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 109th Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 2016. (received award)
242) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Potential Health Effects of Nanomaterials as a Basis for their Regulation (In Panel Session “Advances in Nanoscale Science and Engineering and Regulation of Nanotechnology”). Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 109th Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 2016.
241) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Sébastien Fournier, Uday Kurien, Rodrigo B. Rangel-Alvarado, Patrice Seers, Parisa A. Ariya. Effects of Freezing Temperature and Snow on Composition of Gasoline Engine Exhaust. 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016.
240) Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Parisa A. Ariya. Analysis of the Nanoparticulate Content in Snow by a Novel Aerosolization Technique. 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016
239) Zhenzhong Hu, Uday Kurien, Kuzivakwashe Murwira, Avik Ghoshdastidar, Oleg Nepotchatykh and Parisa A. Ariya, Development of a novel green technology for mercury recycling from spent compact fluorescent lamps using iron oxides nanoparticles and electrochemistry, Gananoque enviromental sciences and engineering conference 2016, January 2016, Gananoque, Ontario.
238) Rangel-Alvarado, Rodrigo; Ariya, Parisa. Ice Nucleation of Nanosized Particles of Inorganic Composition. Gananoque Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference 2016.January 2016, Gananoque, Ontario.
237) Chen, X. And P. A. Ariya. 2016. “Exploring the potential of iron (III) oxide as a multifunctional adsorbent for VOCs, aerosols, and trace metals” Poster presentation. Gananoque Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, ON. January 29 -31, 2016.
236) Andrea A. Rocha, Christian Wilde, and Parisa A. Ariya, "Development of the Novel Green Hybrid Bio-Reactor-Oxyfuel-Nano/micro Interface", Poster presentation. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Ottawa, ON. June 13 - 17, 2015
235) Andrea A. Rocha, Christian Wilde, and Parisa A. Ariya, "Development of the Novel Green Hybrid Bio-Reactor-Oxyfuel-Nano/Micro Interface", Poster presentation. Joint Assembly (AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU) Montreal, QC. May 3 - 7, 2015
234) Andrea A. Rocha and Parisa A. Ariya, "Development of a Hybrid Photo-bioreactor coupled with Nano- and Micro-Interfaces for Air Pollution Remediation", Poster presentation. McGill Sustainability Research Symposium. Montreal, QC. March 13, 2015. (Poster Presentation Award)1.*
233) U. Kurien, P.A. Ariya: Interaction of Hg(0) with environmentally relevant surfaces, AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Conference, 3-7 May 2015, Montreal, Canada
232) U. Kurien, P.A. Ariya: Surface Mediated Oxidation of Elemental Mercury, Canadian Society of Chemistry (CSC), 13-17 June 2015, Ottawa, Canada
231) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author) and Parisa A. Ariya. Exhaust-Derived Constituents of Urban Air Pollution Interact with Snow.Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA’s (Air & Waste Management Association) 108th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 2015.
230) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Detection and Analysis of Nanomaterials (In Panel Session “Nanomaterials: Latest on Measurement and Analysis”). Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA’s (Air & Waste Management Association) 108th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 2015.
229) Parisa A. Ariya (presenting author), Roya Mortazavi, Gregor Kos, Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado, Yevgen Nazarenko, Andrea Rocha. What do the High Arctic Studies of Organic and Bioorganic Compounds Tell us on Aerosol-cloud Interactions? Abstract refereed. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 2015.
228) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado, Parisa A. Ariya. Contribution of Different Ultrafine Aerosol Size Fractions to Ice Nucleation in Clouds. AGC-AGU-AMC-UGC Joint Assembly, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2015.
227) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Nanomaterials: Health and Environmental Concerns as a Basis for Regulation (In Panel Session“Nanotechnology Safety and Regulation”). Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA’s (Air & Waste Management Association) 107th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Long Beach, California, USA, June 2014.
226) Rangel-Alvarado, Rodrigo; Nazarenko, Yevgen; Ariya, Parisa. The Relevance of Aerosols to Ice Formation in Clouds. 2015 Joint Assembly AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU
225) Rangel-Alvarado, Rodrigo; Nazarenko, Yevgen; Ariya, Parisa. Organic-Inorganic Composition of Particles in Arctic Snow. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition
224) Zhenzhong Hu, Kuzivakwashe Murwira and Parisa A Ariya, Adsorption of mercury vapor using iron oxides nanoparticles and subsequent recovery via electrochemistry, AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly, May 2015, Montreal.
223) R Mortazavi, S Attiya and P.A Ariya. Next Generation Sequencing analysis: What bacteria in snow and frost flowers may do for the Arctic ecosystem. Joint Assembly. AGU-GAC-CGU. Montreal, QC, Canada. May 3-7, 2015
222) Ghoshdastidar, A.J., Deeds, D.A. and P.A. Ariya. 2015. “Mercury Rising – Chemical and Phase Speciation of Atmospheric Mercury” Oral presentation. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Ottawa, ON. June 13 - 17, 2015 (Best Presentation Award)
221) Ghoshdastidar, A.J., Huskic, I. and L. Pavelka. 2015. “Chem Cram – Levelling the Playing Field in General Chemistry Exam Prep” Oral presentation. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Ottawa, ON. June 13 - 17, 2015
220) Ghoshdastidar, A.J., D.A. Deeds and P.A. Ariya 2015 “Uncovering the Gaps in Bulk Atmospheric Mercury Speciation” Poster presentation. Joint Assembly (AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU) Montreal QC. May 3 - 7, 2015
219) Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Parisa A. Ariya. The Relevance of Nanoscale Particles to Ice Formation. AGC-AGU-AMC-UGC Joint Assembly, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2015.
218) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Parisa A. Ariya. Interaction of Snow and Air Pollution from Internal Combustion Engines. Universitas 21 Early Career Researchers’ Workshop: Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Dublin, Ireland, March 2015.
217) R. Mortazavi, S. Attiya, P. A. Ariya, Microbial Analysis of Arctic Snow and Frost Flowers: What Next Generation Sequencing Method Can Reveal? American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting, 2014
216) Ali Moridnejad Neamat Karimi Parisa Ariya Dust Storm over the Middle East: Retrieval Approach, Source Identification, and Trend Analysis, American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting, 2014
215) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, R. Rangel-Alvarez, R. Mortazavi, Bio-Organic Physical Chemistry of the Arctic and Subarctic regions, American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting, 2014
214) P. A. Ariya, Y. Nazarenko*, R. Mortazavi*, R. Randal-Alvares, Bio- organic compounds at snow-air interface in the Arctic. british antarctic survey CASSII workshop, Cambridge, United Kingdom , 2014.
213) Yevgen Nazarenko*, Parisa A. Ariya A Novel Glass Chamber for Studies of Aerosol Dynamics and Interactions. 33rd Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research, Orlando, United States, 2014,
212) P. A. Ariya, Y. Navarenko*, R. Alvarez*, M. Subir*, N. Eltouny* Reactions of metal-orangic compounds in atmosphere. Canadian Society for Chemistry, Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
211) Eltouny, N. and Ariya. P.A. ' Processing of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Atmospheric Contaminants: Interaction of Volatile Organic Compounds with Fe3O4 (Magnetite) presented at the 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. May 26 - 30, 2013. Quebec, Quebec, Canada.
210) Eltouny, N. and Ariya. P.A. 'The Impact of Chemical ing on Ice Nucleating Abilities of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in the Atmosphere' presented at 19th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols and Nucleation Symposium. June 24-28, 2013. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
209) Ghoshdastidar, A.J., Deeds, D. and P.A. Ariya. 2013. Inorganic Mercury Speciation using Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy and APCI-Mass Spectrometry†Oral presentation. 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Que. May 26 - 30 2013
208) Eltouny, N. and Ariya. P.A. 'Interaction of Volatile Organics Compounds with Magnetite Nanoparticles: Fundamentals and Implications for Air Remediation' presented at the 22nd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference. Earth in Evolution. June 24-29, 2012. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
207) P. A. Ariya, E. Hudson, G. Kos, N. Eltouny and R. Mortazavi, the 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Alberta, Canada, May 2012.
206) Snider G., Do L., Ariya P.A. " The Effects of Water, CO, NO2, and SO2 on the Capture of Gaseous Mercury over UV-Irradiated Titania", CSC, 2011
205) Kanthasamy V., Ariya P.A. "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air using Solid-phase Microextraction (SPME) "Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
204) Subir M., Ariya P.A., "Surface Selective Investigation of Mercury Compounds", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
203) Mortazavi R., Ariya P.A., " Susceptibility of Ice Nucleation Activity of Microorganisms in Atmosphere by Abiotic Factors", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
202) Mortazavi R., $Ariya P.A., "The Influential Impact of Abiotic Factors on Bioaerosols * Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
201) Si L., Ariya P.A., " Photoreduction of Oxidized Mercury Species in Presence of Selected Alkanethiols: Kinetic and Product Studies", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
200) Si L., Ariya P.A, "Photochemical Reaction of Oxidized Mercury Species with Thioglycolic Acid and its Environmental Implications", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
199) Snider G., Ariya P.A. "The Oxidation of Gaseous Mercury by Nitrogen Dioxide over Titania", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
198) Eltouny N., Ariya P.A., "Development of a Green Sorbent for Polluted Air Remediation", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
197) Subir M., Ariya P.A., "Chemistry of Mercury Compounds at Various Surfaces", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
196) Wilde C., Ariya P. "Algae Carbon Uptake and Oxygen Production Potential at High CO2 Concentrations", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
195) Hudson E.D., Ariya P.A., "Trace Carbonyl Compounds in Surface Waters of the North-western Atlantic- Implications for Atmosphere Ocean-Exchange", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
194) M. Subir, P.A. Ariya, "Surface selective spectroscopy of mercury compounds", International Conference of Mercury, Halifax, Canada, July 2011
193) P. A. Ariya, "McGill CARA projects: Homogeneous and heterogeneous mercury chemical reactions and speciation", International Conference of Mercury, Halifax, Canada, July 2011
192) SI, Lin, P. A. Ariya, "Aqueous photoreduction between divalent mercury and thioglycolic acid and its environmental implications, International Conference of Mercury, Halifax, Canada, July 2011
191) M. Subir, P. A. Ariya, "Investigation of mercury heterogeneous chemistry, ., International Conference of Mercury, Halifax, Canada, July 2011
190) A. J. Poulain, M. Amyot, P. A. Ariya, T. Barkay, "Post-depositional Fate of Mercury in the Canadian High Arctic", International Polar Year, Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, June 8-12, 2010
189) D. Voisin, J. L. Jaffrezo, S. Houdier, M. Barret, H.W. Jacobi, V. Jacob, M. Beztout, J. Cozic, A. Grannas, G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, H. J. Beine, F. Dominé, "Budget of Carbonaceous and Organic species during OASIS – Barrow 2009 campaign", International Polar Year, Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, June 8-12, 2010
188) E. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, "Trace carbonyl compounds in North Atlantic waters - a survey using solid-phase microextraction (SPME), Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Congress, Ottawa, Canada, May 31-June 04, 2010
187) L. Si, P. A. Ariya, "Aqueous Photochemistry of Hg(II) with Selected Environmentally-observed Thiols, 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
186) G. Snider, P. A. Ariya, "Photocatalytic Oxidation of Gaseous Mercury by Titanium Dioxide", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
185) G. Snider, P. A. Ariya, "SPME Fiber Desorption: Gaseous Mercury Species", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
184) N. Eltouny, P. A. Ariya, "VOCs and SVOCs Reduction by the Heterogeneous Nanomaterials", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
183) P. A. Ariya, "Bridging the Gap Between Nano-scale to Macro-scale Atmospheric Chemistry at Environmental Interfaces", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
182) V. Kanthasamy, P. A. Ariya, "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Using Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME)", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
181) P. Ariya, G. Kos, "(Semi)volatile organic compounds and microbiological entities in snow during OASIS Barrow 2009", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
180) G. Kos, A. Nafissa, D. Lutchman, R. Mortazavi, P. Ariya, "(Semi)volatile Organic Compounds and Microbiological Entities in Snow during OASIS Barrow 2009", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
179) E. D. Hudson, P. Ariya, "Trace Carbonyl Compounds in Coastal and Open North Atlantic Waters- A Survey Using Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME)", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
178) G. Snider, P. Ariya, "Photo-Catalytic Oxidation of Gaseous Mercury over Titanium Dioxide Surface", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
177) R. Mortazavi, P. Ariya "The Effect of Abiotic Factors on Ice Nucleation Activities of Pseudomonas Syringae", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
176) M. Mortazavi and P. A. Ariya, "ice nucleation of snow borne microbes", International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Prague, Czech Republic, August 10-14, 2009
175) P. A. Ariya, G. Kos and R. Mortazavi, "Chemical interactions of snow-air bio-organic matter, International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols", Prague, Czech Republic, August 10-14, 2009
174) J. Sun, H. Leighton, P.A. Ariya and P. Yau "Devleopment of bioareosol 1.5 Dimension model: International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Prague, Czech Republic, August 10-14, 2009"
173) V. Kanthasamy, E.D. Hudson and P.A.Ariya, "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Using Solid-phase Microextraction (SPME)", 54th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, Montreal, Quebec, August 03-06, 2008
172) D. Deeds, F. Raofie, and P. A. Ariya, "Chemical Speciation of Airborne Mercury Compounds", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 27th, 2009
171) E.-A. Guérette, P.A. Ariya, "Experimental Study of the Oxidation of Gaseous Elemental Mercury by Bromine Radicals", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
170) V. Kanthasamy and P.A. Ariya, "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Using Solid-phase Microextraction (SPME)", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
169) G. Kos, N. Adechina, P.A. Ariya; "Snow-Air Exchange Processes at Barrow, Alaska in Spring 2009", MOCA-09, Montreal, QC, Canada; 19-29 Jul, 2009
168) N. Eltouny and P.A. Ariya, Reduction of VOCs and SVOCs by Nanomaterials and Photolysis, MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
167) R. Mortazavi, C. Hayes, P. Ariya, "Ice Nucleation Activities of Snow Bacterial Isolate vs Organic/Inorganic Substrates", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
166) R. Mortazavi, P. Ariya, "Susceptibility of Ice Nucleation Activities of Pseudomonas Syringae by Ultraviolet Light and Hypoxia", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
165) D. Deeds, O. Gianfrancesco and P. A. Ariya, "A Novel Method for Removal and Recovery of Mercury from Consumer Wastes", 9th Annual International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guiyang City, China, June 7-12, 2009
164) G. Snider and P.A. Ariya, "Photocatlytic oxidation of gaseous mercury over titanium dioxide", 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant,Guizhou, China, June 9th 2009
163) L. Si and P.A. Ariya, "Aqueous Photo-chemistry of Hg(II) with Dicarboxylic Acids (C2-C4)", 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guizhou, China, June 9th 2009
162) L. Si and P.A. Ariya, "The Reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species with Selected Thiols and its Environmental Implications", 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guizhou, China, June 9th 2009
161) G. Snider and P.A. Ariya, "Effects of Relative Humidity and CO(g) on the O3-initiated Reaction of Hg0(g): Kinetic & product studies", 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant,Guizhou, China, June 9th 2009
160) D. Deeds, F. Raofie and P. A. Ariya, "Mercury Speciation in Multiple Environmental Matrices Using Adsorption Techniques with Mass Spectrometric Detection", 9th Annual International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guiyang City, China, June 7-12, 2009
159) N. Eltouny and P.A. Ariya, "Reduction of VOCs and SVOCs by Nanomaterials and Photolysis", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, Canada, June 2nd, 2009
158) L. Si and P.A. Ariya, "Photo-reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species by Selected Thiols and its Environmental Implications", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, Canada, June 2nd, 2009
157) V. Kanthasamy and P.A. Ariya, "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Using Solid-phase Microextraction (SPME)", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, Ontario, May 30-June 03, 2009
156) G. Snider and P.A. Ariya, "Photocatlytic oxidation of gaseous mercury over titanium dioxide", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, Canada, June 2nd, 2009
155) E.-A. Guérette, P.A. Ariya, "Experimental Study of the Oxidation of Gaseous Elemental Mercury by Bromine Radicals", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, Canada, June 2nd, 2009
154) E.D. Hudson, V. Kanthasamy and P.A. Ariya, "Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) methods for the determination of trace aldehydes and ketones in seawater and ambient air", Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographical Society (CMOS) Congress 2009, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 31-June 04,2009
153) L. Si and P.A. Ariya, "Photo-reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species by Selected Thiols and its Environmental Implications", 2009 AGU joint assembly, Toronto, ON, May 25, 2009
152) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya; "Snowpack and Air Interactions of (Semi)volatile Organic Compounds at Alert, Nunavut", Eos Trans. 1, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA; AGU, 89 (53), Fall Meet. Suppl. C41C-0540, 5-19 Dec, 2008
151) F. Raofie, G Snider, P. Ariya, "Reaction of gaseous mercury with molecular iodine, atomic iodine, and iodine oxide radicals - Kinetics, product studies, and atmospheric implications", Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. A53D-0322, 5-19 Dec, 2008
150) E. Guérette, G. Snider, P. Ariya, "Photocatlytic oxidation of gaseous mercury over titanium dioxide and dibromomethane", Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. A53D-0319, 5-19 Dec, 2008
149) L. Si, P. Ariya, "Kinetic and Product Studies of the Reaction Between Oxidized Mercury Species and Selected Thiols", Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. A53D-0313, 5-19 Dec, 2008
148) G. Snider, F. Raofie, P. Ariya, "Effects of Relative Humidity and CO(g) on the O3-initiated Oxidation Reaction of Hg0(g): Kinetic and product studies", Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. A53D-0323, 5-19 Dec, 2008
147) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya; "Volatile Organic Compounds at Alert - Snow Pack & Boundary Layer Composition", Arctic Change 2008, Quebec, QC, Canada, 09-12 December, 2008
146) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya; "Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air", Carleton University, Department of Chemistry, Ottawa, Canada, 7 Apr, 2008
145) Edward Hudson , Parisa Ariya, Non-methane hydrocarbons over the far North Atlantic and their Relationships to Marine Dissolved Organic Matter, CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
144) Gregor Kos , Parisa Ariya, Determination of Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Snow Samples from Urban and Rural Quebec CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
143) Jiming Sun , Parisa A. Ariya , Henry G. Leighton, Modeling study of ice formation by bacteria in warm-based convective cloud CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
142) Parisa Ariya, Snow reactions: impacts on atmospheric chemistry, CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
141) Edward Hudson, Kadek Okuda, Parisa Ariya, Acetone and other volatile organic compounds in surface seawaters from the Nordic seas as measured by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) methods. CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
140) Gregor Kos, Parisa A. Ariya, Determination of Selected Organic Compounds in Snow and Air in the Canadian Arctic CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
139) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow and Air at Alert, Nunavut, American Geophysical Union (AGU) , Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA Eos, Trans. AGU 87 (52) , Fall Meet. Suppl. C41E-08, Dec 2007
138) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Snow Samples from Urban and Rural Quebec USA Eos, Trans. AGU, Dec 2007
137) Jiming Sun, H. Leighton and P. A. Ariya, "Modeling of bacteria in ice multiplication of warm based cumulus clouds ", IAMAS, Italy, 2007
136) Jiming Sun, H. Leighton and P. A. Ariya, "Ice nucleation ability of bacteria ", IAMAS, Italy, 2007
135) Gregor Kos and P. A. Ariya, "Development of an SPME technique for VOC measurement in snow", CMOS, 2006.
134) Graydon Snider and Parisa Ariya, "The effect of relative humidity on the reaction rates of ozone reactions", AGU, fall meeting, 2007.
133) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, "Characterization of atmospheric volatile organic compounds, size-fractionated aerosols and dissolved organic matter from the far North Atlantic", AGU fall meeting, December 2007.
132) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, " development of analytical technique for measurement of wide range of oxygenated organic compounds", AGU fall meeting, December 2007
131) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow and Air at Alert, Nunavut, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA Eos, Trans. AGU 87 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl. C41E-08, Dec 2006.
130) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Snow Samples from Urban and Rural Quebec Canadian Meteorology and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Congress, Toronto, ON, Canada 28-31 May, 2006.
129) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air During Snow Melt in Alert,Nunavut in Spring 2006, European Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2007.
128) Si Lin and P. A. Ariya, Unraveling the reduction of Hg(II) to Hg0 by Dicarboxylic Acids: Kinetic, Product and Mechanism Studies, 89th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 27-May 31, 2006;
127) Si Lin, and P. A. Ariya, Kinetic, Product and Mechanism Studies of the transformations of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Dicarboxylic Acids and its environmental implications, 27th Annual Meeting in North America of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Montreal, Quebec, November 5-9, 2006.
126) Roya Mortazavi, Gregor Kos, Parisa A. Ariya, A Comparison Study of Volatile Organic Compound Species and Concentrations in Snow Samples From Rural Sites in South-Western Quebec and at Alert, Nunavut. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006. San Francisco, CA, USA. December 11-15, 2006.
125) Snider G.A., Raofie F., Ryzhkov A., Ariya* P.A., Oxidation Rate of O3-Iinitiated Reaction with Hg0. Effects of Relative Humidity, Canadian Society for Chemistry 2006 Halifax, NS.
124) Ariya, P.A., Snider, G.,Vahedpour, M., Raofie, F. What Is the Lifetime of Hg(0) upon O3-initiated Reactions? International Conference on Hg as a Global Pollutant: Madison, WI. (2006).
123) Graydon Snider, Morteza Vahedpour, Farhad Raofie, Parisa Ariya, Relative humidity and Ozone-initiated Reactions of Gaseous Mercury, IGSRS March 29, 30 2007.
122) A. B. Rhykov, F. Raofie, P. A. Ariya, H. Niki and G. W. Harris, "Kinetic, Product and Theoretical Studies of the Gas-Phase Reactions of Toluene and Benzene with Chlorine Atoms", 89th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Halifax, May 2006.
121) H.-M. Hung and P. A. Ariya, "The Oxidation of Oleic Acid and Oleic Acid/NaCl(aq) Mixture, Droplets with Ozone: the Changes of Hygroscopicity and the Role of Secondary Reactions", European Geophysical Union (EGU) meeting (Vienna), April 2006.
120) Jiming Sun, H. Leighton and P. A. Ariya, "Modeling of bacteria in ice multiplication of warm based cumulus clouds", EGU meeting (Vienna), April 2006.
119) Jiming Sun, H. Leighton and P. A. Ariya, "Ice nucleation ability of bacteria", Canadian Meteorology and Oceanographic Society (CMOS), 2006.
118) Gregor Kos and P. A. Ariya, "Development of an SPME technique for VOC measurement in snow", CMOS, 2006.
117) Graydon Snider and Parisa Ariya, "The effect of relative humidity on the reaction rates of ozone reactions", GSRS: Montreal, March 16-17 2006.
116) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, "Characterization of atmospheric volatile organic compounds, size-fractionated aerosols and dissolved organic matter from the far North Atlantic", 3rd Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Research Symposium, Montreal, March 16-17, 2006.
115) Graydon Snider and P. A. Ariya, "Kinetic and mechanistic studies of O3-intitiated reaction of elemental mercury at various RH", Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC): Halifax May 27-31 2006.
114) Andrew Rhykov and Parisa Ariya, Reactions of Criegee and substituted Criegee biradicals with water dimer, trimer and tetramer, CSC: Halifax May 27-31, 2006.
113) Si Lin and Parisa Ariya, kinetic and mechanistic studies of mercuric ion reduction by photoinduction of dicarboxylic acids, CSC: Halifax May 27-31, 2006.
112) E.D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya. Dissolved Organic Carbon in surface ocean waters: exploring relationships to Volatile Organic Compounds in the marine troposphere, 89th Canadian Chemistry Conference (CSC), Halifax, NS, May 27-31, 2006.
111) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, A Standardized Sampling Procedure for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Determined in Snow Samples, Eos Trans. AGU 86 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl. A21C-0874, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 05-09, 2005.
110) J. Sun, P. A. Ariya, Modeling Studying on Ice Formation by Bacteria in Warm-based Convective Cloud, Eos Trans. AGU 86 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., A51B-0045, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 05-09, 2005.
109) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya. Non-methane Hydrocarbons over the Greenland and Norwegian Seas, Adams Graduate Symposium in Earth Sciences, Montreal, QC, March 17-18, 2005.
108) P. A. Ariya, "Bioaerosol chemistry and physics: Atmospheric implications", 39th Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 31 - June 3, 2005.
107) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, Non-methane Hydrocarbons over the far North Atlantic: Connections to Marine Dissolved Organic Matter, 39th Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 31 - June 3, 2005.
106) Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) AMAP Report 2004:4
The Combined Effects of Climate Change, Acid Rain and Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) on Mercury Contamination of Arctic Ecosystems, David Lean, Nazafarin Lahoutifard, Sofia Perin, Melissa Sparling, Lisa Loseto, Susannah Scott, Parisa Ariya, Marc Amyot Steven Siciliano and Nelson O'Driscoll, pages 392-402
105) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, Non-methane Hydrocarbons over the Greenland and Norwegian Seas, Eos Trans. AGU, 85 (47), A43C-0077, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17, 2004.
104) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow Using Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME), Eos Trans. AGU, 85 (47), A11B-0053, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17, 2004.
103) S. K. Pathak, P. A. Ariya, Laboratory Studies of Ice Nucleation on Organic Aerosol Surfaces, Eos Trans. AGU, 85 (47), A54B-08, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 13-17, 2004.
102) J. Sun and P.A. Ariya, "The role of bioorganic matter in the cloud formation process using column version of the model NARCM", The third international ocean-atmosphere conference, Beijing, China, June 28-30, 2004.
101) A. Rhyzhkov and P.A. Ariya, "A theoretical study of atmospherically important complexes of Griegee intermediate with water clusters and its reactions", 228th national American Chemical Society conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Aug 21-26, 2004.
100) P.A. Ariya, V. Cote and H. Vali, "Bioaersols at snow-air interface", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
99) J. Lafleur and P.A. Ariya, "Conversion of Atmospheric Aerosol by Bacteria and Their Influence on Ice-Nucleation Activity", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
98) V. Cote and P.A. Ariya, "Microbial Transformation of Dicarboxylic Acids by Airborne Bacteria", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
97) G. Kos and P.A. Ariya, "Identification of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) From Photochemical Activity in Snow Samples", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
96) G. Kos, M. Shawi and P. A. Ariya, "Interaction of selected Organic Compounds with Airborne Fungi: Impact in Ice Nucleation", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
95) S.K. Pathak and P.A. Ariya, "A Novel Experimental Technique for Ice Crystal Generation Under High Humid Environments", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
94) S.K. Pathak and P.A. Ariya, "Study of Ice Nucleation by Organic Compounds via Heterogeneous Mechanism", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
93) A.B. Ryzhkov and P.A. Ariya, "Structure, stability, and reactions of complexes of Criegee intermediate with water H2COO-(H2O)n, n=1-3: density functional theory investigation, Annual American Physical Society Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.
92) P.A. Ariya, V. Cote and J. Lafleur, "Chemistry induced by bioaerosols: impact on cloud condensation and ice nucleation", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
91) B. Pal and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product study of O3 and HO initiated oxidation of Hg0", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
90) F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product study of BrO initiated oxidation of Hg0", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
89) S. Shirin and P.A. Ariya, "Long path high resolution FTIR study of HO-initiated oxidation of b-pinene", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
88) C. Bougie and P.A. Ariya, "Product yield of organic and inorganic peroxides upon ozonolysis of selected terminal and internal alkenes", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
87) V. Cote and P.A. Ariya, "Microbiological transformation of organic compounds in the troposphere", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
86) P. Bera and P.A. Ariya, "Development of a robust technique for measurement of VOCs", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
85) A.B. Ryzhkov and P.A. Ariya, "Atmospheric Reactions of Mono- and Dimethylsubstituted Criegee Intermediate with Water",, The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
84) A.B. Ryzhkov, B.J. Revenaz and P.A. Ariya, "Ozonolysis of alkenes - impacts on sulfur oxidation in sulfate aerosols during fall and winter,", 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, USA, September 7-11, 2003.
83) A.B. Ryzhkov, P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Study of the Atmospheric Reactions of Carbonyl Oxide with Water, ", 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, USA, March 23-27, 2003.
82) Q. Timergazin and P. A. Ariya, "Thermochemical and laboratory studies of Cl, and Br initiated reactions of selected alkenes", 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, USA, March 23-27, 2003.
81) P.A. Ariya and O. Nepotchatykh, "Ozonolysis reactions of dicarboxylic acids", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
80) N. Kwemena, D. Meritis and P.A. Ariya, "Product studies of peroxide formation upon ozonolysis of alkenes", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
79) A. Garib and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product studies of reactions of Cl-atom with some haloakene and alkenes in the marine boundary layer", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
78) A.B. Ryzhkov, H. Leighton and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Study of the Atmospheric Reactions of Carbonyl Oxide with Water", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, , Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
77) Q. Timergazin, and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical and laboratory studies of reactions of Br with selected alkenes", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, , Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
76) P.A. Ariya, A. Khalizov, B. Viswanathan, A. Gidas and D. Moritis, "Reactions of mercury upon halogen and halogen oxides", American Society for Liminology and Oceanography, 2002.
75) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air at Alert, Nunavut University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute,for Agrobiotechnology, Center for Analytical Chemistry, 2008.
74) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air in the Canadian Arctic Vienna University of Technology, Department of Chemical Technologies & Analytics, Carleton University, March 2008.
73) E. D. Hudson, G. Kos, K. Okuda, P. A. Ariya. Volatile Organic Compounds of atmospheric interest, graduate student workshop, Montreal, 2008.
72) Christopher Hayes, and P. A. Ariya, Ice nucleating bacterial microphysics, undergraduate research science symposium, McGill, 2007.
71) Si Lin and Parisa Ariya, Photo-redox reactions of mercuric ions in aqueous organic systems, Metals in environment, November 2007
70) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air in Alert, Nunavut, GEC Centre Day, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Apr, 2007
69) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air at Alert, Nunavut University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute,for Agrobiotechnology, Center for Analytical Chemistry, Tulln, Austria
68) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air in the Canadian Arctic Vienna University of Technology, Department of Chemical Technologies & Analytics, Vienna, Austria Mar, 2007
67) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow and Air at Alert, Nunavut, McGill University, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Montreal, QC, Canada, 08 Jan, 2007
66) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya. Characterization of atmospheric volatile organic compounds, size-fractionated aerosols and dissolved organic matter from the far North Atlantic, 3rd Annual Interdisciplinary graduate Student Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, March 16-17, 2006.
65) Roya Mortazavi, Gregor Kos, Parisa A. Ariya. Microbial and Volatile Organic Compounds Concentration Assessment in Snow Samples at South-Western Quebec and at Alert, Nunavut. GEC3. Montreal, QC, Canada. April 26, 2007
64) E. D. Hudson, G. Kos, K. Okuda, P. A. Ariya. Volatile Organic Compounds of Biogeochemical Interest in the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere, AGM of the Global Environmental Change and Climate Centre (GEC3), Montreal, QC, March 8, 2006.
63) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya. «Volatile Organic Compounds over the Nordic Seas », Concordia Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference, Montreal, QC, November 18-19, 2005.
38) F. Raofie and P. A. Ariya, Development of technique for measurement of mercury aerosols, COMERN, 2006.
62) Si Lin and Parisa Ariya, Photo-redox reactions of mercuric ions in aqueous organic systems, COMERN, 2006.
61) F. Raofie, P. A. Ariya, Reaction of Gaseous Mercury with IO, Iodine Radicals and Molecular Iodine: Kinetics and Product Studies, and Atmospheric Implication, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
60) L. Si, P. A. Ariya, Unraveling the Reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species by Dicarboxylic Acids: Kinetic, Product and Mechanism Studies, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
59) S. Harrison, G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, The Effect of Pseudomonas Syringae on Ice Nucleation in Water and Malonic Acid Solutions Using a Freezing Nuclei Counter, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
58) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, Sampling and Analysis of Surface Snow for Volatile Organic Compounds, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
57) F. Raofie, P. A. Ariya, Reaction of Gaseous Mercury with IO, Iodine Radicals and Molecular Iodine: Kinetics and Product Studies, and Atmospheric Implication, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
56) L. Si, P. A. Ariya, Unraveling the Reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species by Dicarboxylic Acids: Kinetic, Product and Mechanism Studies, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
55) S. Harrison, G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, The Effect of Pseudomonas Syringae on Ice Nucleation in Water and Malonic Acid Solutions Using a Freezing Nuclei Counter, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
54) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, Sampling and Analysis of Surface Snow for Volatile Organic Compounds, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) AMAP Report 2004:4 , D Lean, N Lahoutifard, S Perin, M Sparling, L Loseto, S Scott, P Ariya, M A. Amyot, S Siciliano, N O'Driscoll, The Combined Effects of Climate Change, Acid Rain and Ultraviolet Radiation(UVR) on Mercury Contamination in the Arctic.
53) G. Kos, V. Cote, J. Lafleur, H. Vali, P. A. Ariya, Field and Laboratory Studies of Bioaerosols, MAQNet Workshop, York University, Toronto, ON, February 15-16, 2004.
52) J. Sun, P. A. Ariya, Organic and Bioaerosols and IFN and CCN, MAQNet Workshop, York University, Toronto, ON, February 15-16, 2004.
51) A. Ryzhkov, P. A. Ariya, A Theoretical Study of the Reactions of Criegee Intermediate with Water Clusters, 12th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Toronto, ON, December 6-7, 2004.
50) J. Sun, P. A. Ariya, Preliminary Modeling Study of Bacteria on Ice Cloud Formation via Contact Nucleation, 12th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Toronto, ON, December 6-7, 2004.
49) G. Kos and P.A. Ariya, "Development of methodology for measurement of organics in snow", Centre for Climate and Global Change Student Symposium, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2004.
48) A.B. Ryzhkov and P.A. Ariya, "A Density functional study of complexes and reactions of benzene and toluene with chlorine atoms", Fourth Annual CERMM Symposium, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, March 26-27, 2004.
47) A.B. Ryzhkov, P.A. Ariya, "A Theoretical Investigation of the Reactions of Parent and Substituted Carbonyl Oxides with Water Under Near Atmospheric Conditions", Third Annual CERMM Symposium, Centre for Research in Molecular Modeling, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, January 10-11, 2004.
46) A.B. Ryzhkov, Bertrand J. Revenaz, P.A. Ariya, "Impact of the Alkenes Ozonolysis on Sulfur Oxidation in Sulfate Aerosols", 10th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Atmospheric Physics Group, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, December 15-16, 2003.
45) A.B. Ryzhkov, B. J. Revenaz and P.A. Ariya, "Atmospheric Impact of Alkene Ozonolysis on Sulfur Oxidation in Sulfate Aerosols", Symposium on Chemical Physics at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, October 31 - November 2, 2003.
44) F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "First evidence of stable Hg(I) compounds in atmospheric aerosols", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, New Brunswick, Canada, 2003.
43) Biswajit Pal and P. A. Ariya, "HO initiated oxidation of elemental mercury: kinetic and product studies", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, New Brunswick, Canada, 2003.
42) B. Pal and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetic and product studies of ozone initiated oxidation of elemental mercury", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, New Brunswick, Canada, 2003.
41) F. Raofie and P. A. Ariya, Photoreduction of oxidized mercury in presence of simple organics: environmental implication, Collaborative Mercury Research Network, New Brunswick, Canada, 2003.
40) M. Amyot and P. A. Ariya, "Reactions of mercury in the interface of atmosphere and water", Metals in the Environment, Winnipeg, 2002.
39) A.B. Ryzhkov, P.A. Ariya, "A theoretical study of the reactions of carbonyl oxide with water in the atmosphere: the role of water dimer", 10th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Atmospheric Physics Group, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, December 16-17, 2002.
38) A.B. Ryzhkov, P.A. Ariya and H. Leighton, "A Theoretical Study of the Atmospheric Reaction of Carbonyl Oxide with Water Vapor", Second Annual CERMM Symposium , Centre for Research in Molecular Modeling , Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Concordia University , Montreal, Canada, January 19, 2002.
37) P. A. Ariya, V. Cote, O. Neptokchykh, "Bacterial degradation of atmospheric biofilms", The European Workshop Materials for Advanced Metallization, Vaals, Netherlands, Mar. 3-6, 2002.
36) B. Paul and P. A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product studies of the reactions of O3 and HO with gaseous mercury", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, Peterborough, ON, Canada, 2002.
35) F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product studies of the reaction of BrO radicals with gaseous mercury", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, Peterborough, ON, Canada, 2002.
34) H. Hintelman, A. Arp, P.A. Ariya, S. Scott, "Speciation, chemistry and dynamics of atmospheric mercury", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, Peterborough, ON, Canada, 2002.
33) A. Khalizov, B. Viswanathan, A. Gidas and P. A. Ariya, "Laboratory and theoretical studies of reactions of mercury with halogens and halogen oxides", Second Annual CERMM Symoposium at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Janunary 19, 2002.
32) A. Ryzhkov, H. Leighton and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical studies of Criegee biradical", Second Annual CERMM Symoposium at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Janunary 19, 2002.
31) P.A. Ariya, "Box Modelling of Hg", University of Toronto, Canadian Middle Atmospheric Modeling workshop, November 2001.
30) B. Viswanathan and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical studies of Hg0 + halogens", Molecular Chemistry workshop, Concordia University, January 2001.
29) A. Khalizov and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Studies of X/X2/XO + SO2", Molecular Chemistry workshop, Concordia University, January 2001.
28) P.A. Ariya, "Formation of condensed matter upon reaction of reactive halogens with mercury", Materials for Advanced Metallization workshop, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2000.
27) P.A. Ariya, "Sulfur conversion in atmospheric aerosol", Materials for Advanced Metallization conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 1999.
26) P. A. Ariya (Hooshiyar), J. Chen, V. Young and H. Niki, "FTIR studies of reactions of Cl-atom with ethylene oxide", NATO-ASI, Martea, Italy, 1993.
25) M. S. Amyot, P. A. Ariya, J. Lalonde and L. Poissant, "Temporal changes of Hg and major ion concentrations in surface snow following a mercury depletion event in North of Quebec", International Conference on Mercury, Japan, October 2001.
24) P.A. Ariya, "Interactions of Hg in atmosphere and interactions of snowpack and atmosphere", 8th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria, July 10-18, 2001.
23) P. A. Ariya, "Formation of HOx and impact on dark tropospheric chemistry", 8th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria, July 10-18, 2001.
22) W. Miller, P. Ariya, K. Denman, D. Farmer, P. Harrison, P. Jones, U. Lohmann, M. Levasseur, R. Moore, R. Rivkin, T. Pedersen, S. Sathyendranath, A. Vezina, M. Wadleigh, C.S. Wong. "Overview of the Canadian SOLAS Research Network plans", invited presentation, International Global Aerosol Program, Germany, 2001.
21) P.A. Ariya, A.F. Khalizov and A. Gidas, "Kinetics and Product Studies of Reactions of Hg0 + X/X2/XO(X=Cl and Br) at Atmospheric pressure and T = 296±2 K", Canadian Chemical Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 26-30, 2001.
20) E.V. Avzianova and P.A. Ariya, "Temperature Dependence Kinetics and Product Studies of Selected Tropospheric Ozonolysis Reactions of Alkenes", Canadian Chemical Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 26-30, 2001.
19) B. Viswanathan and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Investigation of Hg0 Reactions with X/X2/OX Species", Canadian Chemical Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 26-30, 2001.
18) A.F. Khalizov and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Study on the Role of Halogens and Halogen oxides in Tropospheric SO2 Oxidation", Canadian Chemical Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 26-30, 2001.17) E.V. Avzianova and P.A. Ariya, "Temperature Dependence Kinetics and Product Studies of Selected Tropospheric Ozonolysis Reactions of Alkenes", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 15-19, 2000.
16) A.F. Khalizov and P.A. Ariya, "Spectroscopic kinetic and mechanistic studies of the reaction between gaseous mercury and halogens", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 15-19, 2000.
15) P.A. Ariya, A. Khalizov and A. Gidas, "Is the destruction of Hg indeed due to halogen reactions?", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 15-19, 2000.14) P.A. Ariya, "On the search for new mechanisms for acid-rain in atmospheric aerosols", 33rd annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 31 - June 4, 1999.
13) P.A. Ariya, "Chemistry of sulfur and halogens", LEAS, China, 1999.
12) P. A. Ariya, A. Khalizov and B. Viswanathan, "Reactions of Cl/Br + SO2 and impact in formation of cloud nuclei", 34th annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 29 - June 1, 2000.
11) P.A. Ariya, R. Sander and P. J. Crutzen, "On the dark S(IV) to S(VI) conversion mechanism in the cloud", XXIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.
10) P.A. Ariya, J.F. Hopper, G.W. Harris, "Measurement of C2-C7 hydrocarbons in interestitial snow", XXIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.
9) V. Catoire, P.A. Ariya, G.W. Harris, "Kinetics and mechanisms of Cl- and Br-atom initiated oxidations of chloroethylenes", XXI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, The Hague, Netherlands, May 6-10, 1996.
8) P.A. Ariya, V. Catoire, H. Niki and G.Harris, "FTIR and GC studies of Cl- and Br-atom reactions of chlorinated ethenes", International Informal Conference on Photochemistry, Minnesota, U.S.A., 1996.
7) V. Catoire, P.A. Ariya, G.W. Harris, "FTIR Studies of halogen reactions of chlorinated ethenes", XXI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, The Hague, Netherlands, May 6-10, 1996.
6) P.A. Ariya, B. Fu, V. Young, T. Bisenthal, G. W. Harris and H. Niki, "Polar Sunrise Experiment 1995: Halogen chemistry in the Arctic troposphere", American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Fransisco, CA, U.S.A., December 11-15, 1995.
5) P.A. Ariya, V. Catoire and H. Niki, "The Cl-atom reaction of tropospheric hydrocarbons", International Conference on Atmospheric Toxics, Valencia, Spain, 1995.
4) P. A. Ariya, B.T. Jobson, F. Hopper and H. Niki, "Polar Sunrise Experiment: Further evidence for Cl-atom chemistry", AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., Dec. 5-9, 1994.
3) P. A. Ariya (Hooshiyar), B. T. Jobson and H. Niki, "Cl-atom Reactions of Alkanes", International Conference on Photochemistry, Toronto, 1994.
2) P. A. Ariya (Hooshiyar), T. Zhu and H. Niki, "FTIR Study of HO-initiated oxidation of 1,3-butadiene and acrolein", International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Gathesberg, U.S.A., 1992.
1) J. Chen, P. A. Ariya (Hooshiyar), R. Callaghan, V. Young and H. Niki, "FTIR study of Cl reaction of ethylene oxide", International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Gathesberg, U.S.A., 1992.
351). Devendra Pal (oral presenting author), Ryan Hall, Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas Preston, Parisa A. Ariya*. Distinction of Supercooled droplets from the Ice Crystals in Mixed-phase Cloud Regime: McGill Real-time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC). The 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin, Germany, July 2023. Oral Presentation.
350) Houjie Li (oral presentation), Parisa Ariya*. “The Emission and Physicochemical Properties of Light-Absorbing Organic Carbon at A Cold-Climate Site”. 106th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2023.
349) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. A combination of laboratory experiments and modelling study for micro/nanoplastic coatings and dynamics in water (oral presentation). Montreal, Canada, August 2023.
348) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Real-time and in-situ analysis of micro/nanoplastic particles in aquatic system (poster presentation). The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023. Berlin, Germany, July 2023.
347) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas Preston, Parisa A. Ariya. Physicochemical properties of dynamic Aerosol Particles using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): beyond the diffraction barrier. The 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin, Germany, July 2023. Poster presentation.
346) Houjie Li (poster presentation), Parisa Ariya*. “The Emission and Physicochemical Properties of Light-Absorbing Carbonaceous Particles at A Cold-Climate Site”. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, April 2023.
345) Mattie Hibbs (poster presentation), Gorjana Barudzija, Fiona McIntosh, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. Ariya*, Ice Nucleation Microphysics of Airborne Viruses and Their RNA, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), Vancouver, CA 2023
344) Zaki Nasreddine, Devendra Pal & Parisa Ariya*, physicochemical processes of carbonaceous aerosols: from nanoparticles to precipitation, CSC 2023, Vancouver, BC -poster
343) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*, Nano-DIHM for Micro/Nanoplastic Study: Coatings and Dynamic Processes in Water (oral presentation). PURE CREATE Symposium. Montreal, Canada, January 2023.
342) Zaki Nasreddine, Devendra Pal & Parisa Ariya*, physicochemical processes of carbonaceous aerosols: from nanoparticles to precipitation, PURE create symposium, Montreal -poster
341) P. A. Ariya*, A, Pelichi, Z. Wang, Modelling of dispersion of nano and microplastics, ASLO, June, Spain, 2023 (poster)
340). Benilde Mizero, Saba Akbari, P. A. Ariya*, Development of sustainable clay-based technology for removal of toxic contaminants in snow, CCCE, Vancouver, 2023
338) Benilde Mizero, Saba Akbari, P. A. Ariya*, Development of sustainable clay-based technology for removal of toxic contaminants in snow, PURE workshop, Montreal, 2023
337) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Elliot Zolfaghar, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. Ariya* Indoor Air Purifiers, Fine and Ultrafine Aerosol Particles: Where is the Technology Now? Abstract refereed. 106th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 2023.
336) Yevgen Nazarenko (Helen Ginzburg presented), Elliot Zolfaghar, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. Ariya*. Emission of Fine and Ultrafine Aerosol Particles from Electric Blowers of Air Purifiers. Abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 116th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Orlando, FL, USA, June 2023
335) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Devendra Pal, Sanjeev Dwivedi, Parisa A. Ariya*. PM2.5 Ambient Air Quality Standards: Time to Rethink Temporal Variability, Morphology and Consider Nanoparticles.Long abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 115th Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2022.
334) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting oral presentation), Mahboubeh Ahmadi Bonakdar, Ouassim Hamdi, Maïline Fok Cheung, Denis Rodrigue, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Gas filtration materials from compostable polybutylene succinate (BioPBS). Abstract refereed. 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2022.
333) Zi Wang (presenting oral presentation), Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Quantitative Analysis of Micro/Nano-Plastic Particles in Water Empowered by Machine Learning, The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago. December 12 - 16, 2022.
332) Devendra Pal (presenting oral presentation), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas Preston, Parisa A. Ariya*. 3D detection of Moving Aerosol Particles Using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): Beyond the Diffraction Barrier. 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2022.
331) Houjie Li (presenting oral presentation)and Parisa A. Ariya*, “Black Carbon Data Set in Montreal: Trend of Seasons and Impact of COVID-19”. at Canadian Chemistry Conferences and Exhibitions in Calgary on June 16th, 2022.
330) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Combining Experimental Study with Numerical Model to Determine the Transportation and Fate of Microplastics in Various Aquatic Environments, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), Calgary. June 13 - 17, 2022.
329).Gorjana Barudzija, Mattie 329_Hibbs, Fiona McIntosh, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. AriyaAn Ice Nucleation Study of Airborne VirusesCanadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE)Calgary, Alberta, CanadaJune 13-17, 2022
328)1.Devendra Pal, Zaki NassredinZi Wang, Dev Pal, and P. A. Ariya*, International Global Atmospheric Chemistry
conference (IGAC), Manchester, 2022
327) . Devendra Pal, Zaki Nassredin and P. A. Ariya*, International Global Atmospheric
Chemistry conference (IGAC), Manchester, 2022
326) Hall, R.; Pal, D.; Ariya, P.A. Using a novel in-situ and real-time Nano-DIHM technique for
rapid characterization of oil, heavy metals, and biological spills in water systems.
Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, June 13-17, 2022.
325). Devendra Pal (presenting oral presentation), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas C Preston and Parisa A. Ariya*.3D detection of Moving Aerosol Particles Using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): Beyond the Diffraction Barrier.CCCE 2022, Calgary, AB, June 2022.
324. Devendra Pal (presenting oral presentation)Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas C Preston and Parisa A. Ariya* “Imaging Moving Aerosol Particles Using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): Beyond the Diffraction Barrier”. 115th ACE, San Fransisco, 2022, June 27-June 30)
323) Devendra Pal (presenting author), R. Hall, J. Philippe and P.A. Ariya*.McGill Real-time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Nanosized Ice Nucleiation Measurements." CCCE 2022, Calgary, AB, June 2022
322) Yevgen Nazarenko, Mahboubeh Ahmadi Bonakdar, Ouassim Hamdi, Maïline Fok Cheung, Denis Rodrigue, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Gas filtration materials from compostable polybutylene succinate (BioPBS). Abstract refereed. 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2022.
321) Zi Wang Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Quantitative Analysis of Micro/Nano-Plastic Particles in Water Empowered by Machine Learning, The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago. December 12 - 16, 2022.
320) Devendra Pal , yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas Preston, Parisa A. Ariya*. 3D detection of Moving Aerosol Particles Using Nano Digital Holographic Microscopy (Nano-DIHM): Beyond the Diffraction Barrier. 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2022.
319) Houjie Li and Parisa A. Ariya*, “Black Carbon Data Set in Montreal: Trend of Seasons and Impact of COVID-19”. at Canadian Chemistry Conferences and Exhibitions in Calgary on June 16th, 2022.
318) Zi Wang, Abolghasem Pilechi, Maïline Fok Cheung, and Parisa A. Ariya*. Combining Experimental Study with Numerical Model to Determine the Transportation and Fate of Microplastics in Various Aquatic Environments, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), Calgary. June 13 - 17, 2022.
317) Gorjana Barudzija, Mattie Hibbs, Fiona McIntosh, Devendra Pal, Parisa A. AriyaAn Ice Nucleation Study of Airborne VirusesCanadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE)Calgary, Alberta, CanadaJune 13-17, 2022
316) Zi Wang, Nadim K. Saadé, and Parisa A. Ariya. Advances in Ultra-Trace Analytical Capability for Micro/Nanoplastics and Water-Soluble Polymers in the Environment. Oral presentation, IUPAC|CCCE 2021, Virtual, August 13 - 20, 2021
315) Zi Wang, Nadim K. Saadé, and Parisa A. Ariya. Advances in Ultra-Trace Analytical Capability for Micro/Nanoplastics and Water-Soluble Polymers in the Environment. Oral presentation, PURE CREATE, Montreal, November 10, 2021
314) R. Mortazavi, S. Attiya, P. Ariya, Interactions of Bacteria with Heavy Metals in Arctic Snow and Frost flowers. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS), Ottawa, May 31 – June 11, 2021
313) Houjie Li and Parisa A. Ariya (2021). Black Carbon Particles Physicochemical Real-Time Data Set in a Cold City: Trends of Fall-Winter BC Accumulation and COVID-19. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD035265. (Peer-reviewed research article)
312) Houjie Li and Parisa A. Ariya (2021). Black Carbon Emission in a Cold-climate Site and Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic. 104thCanadian Chemistry Conference & Exhibition (Aug 13-20, 2021, Virtual, poster presentation)
311) Houjie Li and Parisa A. Ariya (2021). Black Carbon Particles Physicochemical real-time dataset in a Cold City: Trends of Fall-Winter BC Accumulation and COVID-19. NSERC CREATE-Pure Annual Symposium (Nov 10th, 2021, in person, 3-minute talk)
310) Devendra Pa1 (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas C. Preston and Parisa A. Ariya,Advancing the Science of Airborne Nanosized (< 200 nm) Particles using Optimized Digital Holographic Microscopy (NSERC PURE CREATE Meeting at Udem, November 2021).
309) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of McGill Real time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Studies of Airborne Nano Particles (AGU Fall meeting 2021, Orleans, USA. Online)
308) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of the McGill Real-time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Growth of Airborne Nanoparticles (IUPAC/CCCE 2021, Montreal Canada. Online)
307) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, Yevgen Nazarenko, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of Ice Nucleation Chamber: Ice Nucleation Abilities of Airborne Nano Particles (ICCP 2021, Pune India. Online)
306) R. Hall (presenting author), D. Pal, P. A. Ariya. Measuring Contaminant-Containing Particles In-Situ In Real-Time with Digital In-line Holography. (NSERC PURE CREATE Meeting at Udem, November 2021).
305) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of McGill Real time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Studies of Airborne Nano Particles (AGU Fall meeting 2021, Orleans, USA. Online)
304) Ryan Hall (presenting author), O. Nepotchatykh, E. Nepotchatykh, and Parisa A. Ariya. Anthropogenic Photolabile Chlorine in the Cold-Climate City of Montreal. (IUPAC/CCCE 2021, Montreal Canada. Online)
303) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of the McGill Real-time Ice Nucleation Chamber (MRINC): Growth of Airborne Nanoparticles (IUPAC/CCCE 2021, Montreal Canada. Online)
302) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Ryan Hall, Yevgen Nazarenko, and Parisa A. Ariya. Development of Ice Nucleation Chamber: Ice Nucleation Abilities of Airborne Nano Particles (ICCP 2021, Pune India. Online)
301) Ryan Hall (presenting author), Devendra Pal, Parisa A. Ariya. Measuring Contaminant-Containing Particles In-Situ In Real-Time with Digital In-line Holography. (NSERC PURE CREATE Meeting at Udem, November 2021).
300) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Chitra Narayanan, Parisa A. Ariya. Indoor air purifiers in the effort to reduce the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): The advantage of circumferential outflow diffusers. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 114th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Virtual, June 2021. Peer-reviewed.
299) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Regulation Update for Nanomaterials and Nanosafety (In Panel Session "Nanotechnology Research and Safety Update"). A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 114th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Virtual, June 2021.
298) Devendra Pal, Ryan Hall, Yevgen Nazarenko, Parisa A. Ariya. Development of Ice Nucleation Chamber: Ice Nucleation Abilities of Airborne Nano Particles. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP) 2021, Pune, India, August 2021.
297) Devendra Pal (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas C. Preston and Parisa A. Ariya, Advancing the Science of Airborne Nanosized (< 200 nm) Particles using Optimized Digital Holographic Microscopy. NSERC PURE CREATE Meeting at UdeM, November 2021.
296) Dev Pal, A. Dastoor and P. A. Ariya, 'Metadata for airborne particles in cold-climate 34th Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, 2020.
295) Ryan Hall, O. Neoptokhytch, J. Neopotochkytch, P. A. Ariya, "Development of technology for photolabile halogens in air", , 34th Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, 2020.
294) Houjie Lee, P. A. Ariya, "Observation of black carbon in cold-climate", 34th Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, 2020.
293) Zi Wang, Saade, P. A. Ariya, "Development of technology for ultratrace analysis of micro and nano plastics", , 34th Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, 2020.
292) Dev Pal, P. A. Ariya, "Metadata for airborne nanoparticles", Canadian for Chemistry, annual meeting, CSC 2020, June 2020
291) H. Lee, P. A. Ariya, "Observation of airborne black carbon", Canadian for Chemistry, annual meeting, CSC 2020, June 2020
290) Ryan Hall, O. Neptochytkh, J. Nepotochyth, P. A. Ariya, "Development of technology for photolabile halogens in a cold-climate city of Montreal", Canadian for Chemistry, annual meeting, CSC 2020, June 2020
289) Zi Wang, Saade, P. A. Ariya, "Development of technology for ultratrace analysis of micro and nano plastics", Canadian for Chemistry, annual meeting, CSC 2020, June 2020
288) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Hannah Szeptycki, Parisa A. Ariya. Polymeric Sorbents for Air Purification. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 113th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Virtual, June-July 2020.
287) P. A. Ariya et al.,"Challenges and opportunities in Climate Change", AWAM, 2019
286) P. A. Ariya et al., "Air quality in the age of climate change and emerging contaminants", IUGG, 2019
285) P. A. Ariya et al., "Atmospheric Chemistry in cold Climate", Canadian Society for Chemistry, annual meeting 2019
284) R. M. Hall, O. Nepotchatykh, H. Szeptycki, E. Morris and P. A. Ariya. “Development of an Inexpensive and Sustainable Trap Method for the Measurement of Atmospheric Halogens"Poster presentation, 33rd Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, February 8 - February 10, 2019 ".
283) R. M. Hall, O. Nepotchatykh, H. Szeptycki, E. Morris and P. A. Ariya. “Development of an Inexpensive and Sustainable Trap Method for the Measurement of Atmospheric Halogens"Poster presentation, 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Quebec, June 3 - June 7, 2019 ".
282) R. M. Hall, O. Nepotchatykh, H. Szeptycki, E. Morris and P. A. Ariya. “Development of an Inexpensive and Sustainable Trap Method for the Measurement of Atmospheric Halogens"Oral presentation, 112th Air and Waste Management Association's Annual Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Quebec, June 25 - June 28, 2019 ".
281) Devendra Pal and P. A. Ariya. “Physical and Chemical Properties of Aerosols in Montreal: The Existence of Airborne Nano-sized Emerging Contaminants". Oral presentation, 33rd Gananoque Environmental Science and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, Ontario, February 8 - February 10, 2019 "
280) Devendra Pal, Ashu P Dastoor, and P. A. Ariya. “Physical and Chemical Characterization of Aerosols in Montreal: The Existence of Airborne Nano-sized Emerging metal Contaminants". Oral presentation, 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Quebec, June 3 - June 7, 2019 ".
279) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Pascal Tetrault, Patrice Seers, Parisa A. Ariya.Photochemical Transformations of Vehicle Exhaust Pollutants in Snow. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 112th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Quebec, Quebec,
Canada, June 2019
278) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Occupational Safety and Consumer Protection Regulations for Nanomaterials (In Panel Session “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology-based Products: Occupational and Consumer Safety, Management and Regulation”). A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 112th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, June 2019.
277) Z. Wang and P. A. Ariya. "Identification of Polymers Presenting in the Air and Precipitates" Poster presentation, 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Q.C. June 03 - June 07, 2019
276) H.Li, P. A. Ariya. “Quantification and Ice Nucleation Abilities of Soot" Poster presentation, 102th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Montreal, QC. June 3 - June 7, 2019
275) M. Ganguly, P. A. Ariya. “THE ROLE IRON OXIDE NANOCOMPOSITES IN THE FORMATION OF EFFICIENT ICE NUCLEATING PARTICLES WITH SUSTAINABLE REMEDIATION" Oral presentation, 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec, QC. June 3 - June 7, 2019
274) M. Ganguly, P. A. Ariya. “ KAOLIN-IRONOXIDE-HG2CL2 NANOCOMPOSITES fOR ICE NUCLEATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION" Oral presentation, Air &Waste Management Association's 112th Annual Conference and Exhibition. Quebec, QC. June 24 - June 28, 2019.
272) M. Ganguly, P. A. Ariya. “ A Nano-trap for Sustainable Mercury Recycle Technology with the Formation of Efficient Ice nucleating Particles" Poster presentation, 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly. Montreal, QC. July 8 - July 18, 2019.
271) M. Ganguly, P. A. Ariya. “ Kaolin-ironoxide-Hg2Cl2 nanocomposites for ice nucleation and environmental remediation" Oral presentation, Gananoque Sciences and Engineering Conference (CREATE MINES OF KNOWLEDGE). Gananoque, ON. February 8 - February 10, 2019
270) Parisa A. Ariya, Dev Pal, Yevgen Nazarenko, R. Mortazavi, Do snow and ice alter air quality in urban regions? 101 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Edmonton, Alberta. June 2018 (invited lecture)
269) Parisa A. Ariya, Mainak Ganguly, Rodrigo Rangel Alvarez, Jim Goshdastidar, "Nano-emerging contaminant in air" 101 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Edmonton, Alberta. June 2018 (invited lecture)
268) R.M. Hall, D. Lear, and P.A. Ariya, Development of an Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Technique for Aqueous Mercury Speciation, Gananoque Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference, February 2nd to 4th 2018, Gananoque Ontario.
267) R.M. Hall, D. Lear, and P.A. Ariya, Development of an Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Technique for Aqueous Mercury Speciation, Annual meeting RDC-CRSNG-Hydro-Québec 2017-2018, February 13th 2018, Montréal Québec.
266) Devendra Pal, (presenting author), and Parisa A. Ariya. Concurrent Physical and Chemical Studies of nano- and micro-aerosols in Urban Metropolitan Environment Montreal Canada. 2018 Gananoque environmental and engineering conference.
265) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Rodrigo B. Rangel-Alvarado, Parisa A. Ariya. Use of Tangential Flow Filtration in Sample Processing for Aerosol-mediated Analysis of Nanoparticulate Matter in Snow. Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 111th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, June 2018.
264) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Regulatory Update for Nanomaterials (In Panel Session “Nanomaterials: Occupational Safety and Health, Characterization, and Regulation”). Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 111th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, June 2018.263)
263) P. A. Ariya, R. Rangel-Alvarado, Y. Nazarenko and R. Mortazavi. “Arctic Atmospheric and Interfacial Chemistry in a Changing Climate: Impacts on Oxidation, Ice Nucleation and Biogeochemistry" 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Toronto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
262) P. A. Ariya, A. J. Ghoshdastidar, U. Kurien and N. Eltouny. “Metals in Atmosphere and Atmospheric Interfaces: Are they Important on Oxidation, Ice Nucleation and Climate Change?" 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Toronto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
261) J. Ghoshdastidar and P. A. Ariya “It's Not Just a Phase - The Occurrence and Implications of Atmospheric Oxidized Mercury Nanoparticles." Poster presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Toronto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
260) J. Ghoshdastidar and P. A. Ariya “The Characterization of Atmospheric Oxidized Mercury Nanoparticles Conventional and Novel Techniques” Poster presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Toronto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
259) R. M. Hall and P. A. Ariya “Introduction of an Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Technique for Aqueous Mercury Speciation" Poster Presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. University of Toronto, May 28 - June 1, 2017.
258) R. Rangel-Alvarado and P. A. Ariya "Mercury II coatings of iron oxide particles on ice nucleation" Poster presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Tononto, Ont. May 28 - June 2, 2017
257) Y. Nazarenko, R. B. Rangel-Alvarado, and P. A. Ariya “Aerosol-mediated Analysis of Nanoparticulate Matter in Snow.” A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 110th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 2017.
256) Y. Nazarenko “Regulation of Nanomaterials” (In Panel Session “Nanomaterials: Occupational Safety and Health, Analysis and Regulation A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 109th Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 2016.
255) Y. Nazarenko, S. Fournier, U. Kurien, R. B. Rangel-Alvarado, O. Nepotchatykh, P. Seers and P. A. Ariya. “Changes of Aerosol Size Distribution and Deposition of Selected Organic Pollutants from Gasoline Engine Exhaust into the Snowpack.” 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2017
254) U. Kurien and P.A. Ariya "Effect of Iron Oxide Aerosols on Traditional Gas Phase Ozone Oxidation of Mercury" Poster presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, May 28 - June 2, 2017
253) H. Lee, U. Kurien and P. A. Ariya, “Adsorption of Gaseous Elemental Mercury on Iron Oxide Surfaces: Implications to Atmospheric Heterogeneous Chemistry”, Poster Presentation. 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, ON. May 28 – June 1, 2017. (“Best Graduate Poster” Award in Environment Division)
252) Bryan H. Lee, “Mercury on the Move”, 1st Place 2017 NSERC Science, Action! Video Competition. (
251) U. Kurien, U., Z. Hu and P.A. Ariya, "Development of Novel Green Technology for Mercury Recycling from Spent CFLs" Poster presentation. McGill Sustainability Research Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, March 9 - March 10, 2017
250) A.J. Ghoshdastidar and P.A. Ariya “Project Mercury – Chemical and Phase Speciation of Atmospheric Mercury” Poster presentation. 26th Gananoque Enviromental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Gananoque, Ontario. February 2017
249) R. B. Rangel-Alvarado and P.A. Ariya “Mercury II coatings of iron oxide particles on ice nucleation” 26th Gananoque Enviromental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Gananoque, Ontario. February 2017
248) U. Kurien and P.A. Ariya “The Impact of Iron Oxide Surfaces on Traditional Gas Phase Oxidation of Mercury” 26th Gananoque Enviromental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Gananoque, Ontario. February 2017
247) S. Dib and P.A. Ariya “Mercuric Chloride Converts Iron-Kaolin Composite to a Highly Efficient Ice Nuclei.” Poster presentation. Science Undergraduate Research Study, Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. September 2017
246) Uday Kurien (presenting author), Z. Hu, A. Dastoor, P. A. Ariya, Heterogeneous reactions of mercury on various aerosols 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016 (presentation award).
245) P. A. Ariya and Avik (Jim) Ghosdastidar (presenting author), Development of mercury mass spectrometry . 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016. (Invited talk)
244) Zhenzhong Hu, Parisa A. Ariya. Development of green recycling technique for Hg lamps, 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016
243) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Sébastien Fournier, Uday Kurien, Rodrigo B. Rangel-Alvarado, Patrice Seers, Parisa A. Ariya. Effect of Low Ambient Temperature and Contact with Snow on Composition of Dilute Exhaust from a Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicle Engine. Abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 109th Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 2016. (received award)
242) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Potential Health Effects of Nanomaterials as a Basis for their Regulation (In Panel Session “Advances in Nanoscale Science and Engineering and Regulation of Nanotechnology”). Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association) 109th Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 2016.
241) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Sébastien Fournier, Uday Kurien, Rodrigo B. Rangel-Alvarado, Patrice Seers, Parisa A. Ariya. Effects of Freezing Temperature and Snow on Composition of Gasoline Engine Exhaust. 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016.
240) Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Parisa A. Ariya. Analysis of the Nanoparticulate Content in Snow by a Novel Aerosolization Technique. 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2016
239) Zhenzhong Hu, Uday Kurien, Kuzivakwashe Murwira, Avik Ghoshdastidar, Oleg Nepotchatykh and Parisa A. Ariya, Development of a novel green technology for mercury recycling from spent compact fluorescent lamps using iron oxides nanoparticles and electrochemistry, Gananoque enviromental sciences and engineering conference 2016, January 2016, Gananoque, Ontario.
238) Rangel-Alvarado, Rodrigo; Ariya, Parisa. Ice Nucleation of Nanosized Particles of Inorganic Composition. Gananoque Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference 2016.January 2016, Gananoque, Ontario.
237) Chen, X. And P. A. Ariya. 2016. “Exploring the potential of iron (III) oxide as a multifunctional adsorbent for VOCs, aerosols, and trace metals” Poster presentation. Gananoque Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference. Gananoque, ON. January 29 -31, 2016.
236) Andrea A. Rocha, Christian Wilde, and Parisa A. Ariya, "Development of the Novel Green Hybrid Bio-Reactor-Oxyfuel-Nano/micro Interface", Poster presentation. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Ottawa, ON. June 13 - 17, 2015
235) Andrea A. Rocha, Christian Wilde, and Parisa A. Ariya, "Development of the Novel Green Hybrid Bio-Reactor-Oxyfuel-Nano/Micro Interface", Poster presentation. Joint Assembly (AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU) Montreal, QC. May 3 - 7, 2015
234) Andrea A. Rocha and Parisa A. Ariya, "Development of a Hybrid Photo-bioreactor coupled with Nano- and Micro-Interfaces for Air Pollution Remediation", Poster presentation. McGill Sustainability Research Symposium. Montreal, QC. March 13, 2015. (Poster Presentation Award)1.*
233) U. Kurien, P.A. Ariya: Interaction of Hg(0) with environmentally relevant surfaces, AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Conference, 3-7 May 2015, Montreal, Canada
232) U. Kurien, P.A. Ariya: Surface Mediated Oxidation of Elemental Mercury, Canadian Society of Chemistry (CSC), 13-17 June 2015, Ottawa, Canada
231) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author) and Parisa A. Ariya. Exhaust-Derived Constituents of Urban Air Pollution Interact with Snow.Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA’s (Air & Waste Management Association) 108th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 2015.
230) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Detection and Analysis of Nanomaterials (In Panel Session “Nanomaterials: Latest on Measurement and Analysis”). Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA’s (Air & Waste Management Association) 108th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 2015.
229) Parisa A. Ariya (presenting author), Roya Mortazavi, Gregor Kos, Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado, Yevgen Nazarenko, Andrea Rocha. What do the High Arctic Studies of Organic and Bioorganic Compounds Tell us on Aerosol-cloud Interactions? Abstract refereed. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 2015.
228) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado, Parisa A. Ariya. Contribution of Different Ultrafine Aerosol Size Fractions to Ice Nucleation in Clouds. AGC-AGU-AMC-UGC Joint Assembly, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2015.
227) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author). Nanomaterials: Health and Environmental Concerns as a Basis for Regulation (In Panel Session“Nanotechnology Safety and Regulation”). Extended abstract refereed. A&WMA’s (Air & Waste Management Association) 107th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Long Beach, California, USA, June 2014.
226) Rangel-Alvarado, Rodrigo; Nazarenko, Yevgen; Ariya, Parisa. The Relevance of Aerosols to Ice Formation in Clouds. 2015 Joint Assembly AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU
225) Rangel-Alvarado, Rodrigo; Nazarenko, Yevgen; Ariya, Parisa. Organic-Inorganic Composition of Particles in Arctic Snow. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition
224) Zhenzhong Hu, Kuzivakwashe Murwira and Parisa A Ariya, Adsorption of mercury vapor using iron oxides nanoparticles and subsequent recovery via electrochemistry, AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly, May 2015, Montreal.
223) R Mortazavi, S Attiya and P.A Ariya. Next Generation Sequencing analysis: What bacteria in snow and frost flowers may do for the Arctic ecosystem. Joint Assembly. AGU-GAC-CGU. Montreal, QC, Canada. May 3-7, 2015
222) Ghoshdastidar, A.J., Deeds, D.A. and P.A. Ariya. 2015. “Mercury Rising – Chemical and Phase Speciation of Atmospheric Mercury” Oral presentation. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Ottawa, ON. June 13 - 17, 2015 (Best Presentation Award)
221) Ghoshdastidar, A.J., Huskic, I. and L. Pavelka. 2015. “Chem Cram – Levelling the Playing Field in General Chemistry Exam Prep” Oral presentation. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Ottawa, ON. June 13 - 17, 2015
220) Ghoshdastidar, A.J., D.A. Deeds and P.A. Ariya 2015 “Uncovering the Gaps in Bulk Atmospheric Mercury Speciation” Poster presentation. Joint Assembly (AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU) Montreal QC. May 3 - 7, 2015
219) Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado (presenting author), Yevgen Nazarenko, Parisa A. Ariya. The Relevance of Nanoscale Particles to Ice Formation. AGC-AGU-AMC-UGC Joint Assembly, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2015.
218) Yevgen Nazarenko (presenting author), Parisa A. Ariya. Interaction of Snow and Air Pollution from Internal Combustion Engines. Universitas 21 Early Career Researchers’ Workshop: Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Dublin, Ireland, March 2015.
217) R. Mortazavi, S. Attiya, P. A. Ariya, Microbial Analysis of Arctic Snow and Frost Flowers: What Next Generation Sequencing Method Can Reveal? American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting, 2014
216) Ali Moridnejad Neamat Karimi Parisa Ariya Dust Storm over the Middle East: Retrieval Approach, Source Identification, and Trend Analysis, American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting, 2014
215) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, R. Rangel-Alvarez, R. Mortazavi, Bio-Organic Physical Chemistry of the Arctic and Subarctic regions, American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting, 2014
214) P. A. Ariya, Y. Nazarenko*, R. Mortazavi*, R. Randal-Alvares, Bio- organic compounds at snow-air interface in the Arctic. british antarctic survey CASSII workshop, Cambridge, United Kingdom , 2014.
213) Yevgen Nazarenko*, Parisa A. Ariya A Novel Glass Chamber for Studies of Aerosol Dynamics and Interactions. 33rd Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research, Orlando, United States, 2014,
212) P. A. Ariya, Y. Navarenko*, R. Alvarez*, M. Subir*, N. Eltouny* Reactions of metal-orangic compounds in atmosphere. Canadian Society for Chemistry, Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
211) Eltouny, N. and Ariya. P.A. ' Processing of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Atmospheric Contaminants: Interaction of Volatile Organic Compounds with Fe3O4 (Magnetite) presented at the 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. May 26 - 30, 2013. Quebec, Quebec, Canada.
210) Eltouny, N. and Ariya. P.A. 'The Impact of Chemical ing on Ice Nucleating Abilities of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in the Atmosphere' presented at 19th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols and Nucleation Symposium. June 24-28, 2013. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
209) Ghoshdastidar, A.J., Deeds, D. and P.A. Ariya. 2013. Inorganic Mercury Speciation using Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy and APCI-Mass Spectrometry†Oral presentation. 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Quebec City, Que. May 26 - 30 2013
208) Eltouny, N. and Ariya. P.A. 'Interaction of Volatile Organics Compounds with Magnetite Nanoparticles: Fundamentals and Implications for Air Remediation' presented at the 22nd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference. Earth in Evolution. June 24-29, 2012. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
207) P. A. Ariya, E. Hudson, G. Kos, N. Eltouny and R. Mortazavi, the 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Alberta, Canada, May 2012.
206) Snider G., Do L., Ariya P.A. " The Effects of Water, CO, NO2, and SO2 on the Capture of Gaseous Mercury over UV-Irradiated Titania", CSC, 2011
205) Kanthasamy V., Ariya P.A. "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air using Solid-phase Microextraction (SPME) "Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
204) Subir M., Ariya P.A., "Surface Selective Investigation of Mercury Compounds", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
203) Mortazavi R., Ariya P.A., " Susceptibility of Ice Nucleation Activity of Microorganisms in Atmosphere by Abiotic Factors", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
202) Mortazavi R., $Ariya P.A., "The Influential Impact of Abiotic Factors on Bioaerosols * Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
201) Si L., Ariya P.A., " Photoreduction of Oxidized Mercury Species in Presence of Selected Alkanethiols: Kinetic and Product Studies", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
200) Si L., Ariya P.A, "Photochemical Reaction of Oxidized Mercury Species with Thioglycolic Acid and its Environmental Implications", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
199) Snider G., Ariya P.A. "The Oxidation of Gaseous Mercury by Nitrogen Dioxide over Titania", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
198) Eltouny N., Ariya P.A., "Development of a Green Sorbent for Polluted Air Remediation", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
197) Subir M., Ariya P.A., "Chemistry of Mercury Compounds at Various Surfaces", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
196) Wilde C., Ariya P. "Algae Carbon Uptake and Oxygen Production Potential at High CO2 Concentrations", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
195) Hudson E.D., Ariya P.A., "Trace Carbonyl Compounds in Surface Waters of the North-western Atlantic- Implications for Atmosphere Ocean-Exchange", Canadian Chemical Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2011
194) M. Subir, P.A. Ariya, "Surface selective spectroscopy of mercury compounds", International Conference of Mercury, Halifax, Canada, July 2011
193) P. A. Ariya, "McGill CARA projects: Homogeneous and heterogeneous mercury chemical reactions and speciation", International Conference of Mercury, Halifax, Canada, July 2011
192) SI, Lin, P. A. Ariya, "Aqueous photoreduction between divalent mercury and thioglycolic acid and its environmental implications, International Conference of Mercury, Halifax, Canada, July 2011
191) M. Subir, P. A. Ariya, "Investigation of mercury heterogeneous chemistry, ., International Conference of Mercury, Halifax, Canada, July 2011
190) A. J. Poulain, M. Amyot, P. A. Ariya, T. Barkay, "Post-depositional Fate of Mercury in the Canadian High Arctic", International Polar Year, Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, June 8-12, 2010
189) D. Voisin, J. L. Jaffrezo, S. Houdier, M. Barret, H.W. Jacobi, V. Jacob, M. Beztout, J. Cozic, A. Grannas, G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, H. J. Beine, F. Dominé, "Budget of Carbonaceous and Organic species during OASIS – Barrow 2009 campaign", International Polar Year, Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, June 8-12, 2010
188) E. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, "Trace carbonyl compounds in North Atlantic waters - a survey using solid-phase microextraction (SPME), Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Congress, Ottawa, Canada, May 31-June 04, 2010
187) L. Si, P. A. Ariya, "Aqueous Photochemistry of Hg(II) with Selected Environmentally-observed Thiols, 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
186) G. Snider, P. A. Ariya, "Photocatalytic Oxidation of Gaseous Mercury by Titanium Dioxide", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
185) G. Snider, P. A. Ariya, "SPME Fiber Desorption: Gaseous Mercury Species", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
184) N. Eltouny, P. A. Ariya, "VOCs and SVOCs Reduction by the Heterogeneous Nanomaterials", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
183) P. A. Ariya, "Bridging the Gap Between Nano-scale to Macro-scale Atmospheric Chemistry at Environmental Interfaces", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
182) V. Kanthasamy, P. A. Ariya, "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Using Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME)", 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 02, 2010
181) P. Ariya, G. Kos, "(Semi)volatile organic compounds and microbiological entities in snow during OASIS Barrow 2009", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
180) G. Kos, A. Nafissa, D. Lutchman, R. Mortazavi, P. Ariya, "(Semi)volatile Organic Compounds and Microbiological Entities in Snow during OASIS Barrow 2009", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
179) E. D. Hudson, P. Ariya, "Trace Carbonyl Compounds in Coastal and Open North Atlantic Waters- A Survey Using Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME)", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
178) G. Snider, P. Ariya, "Photo-Catalytic Oxidation of Gaseous Mercury over Titanium Dioxide Surface", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
177) R. Mortazavi, P. Ariya "The Effect of Abiotic Factors on Ice Nucleation Activities of Pseudomonas Syringae", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009
176) M. Mortazavi and P. A. Ariya, "ice nucleation of snow borne microbes", International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Prague, Czech Republic, August 10-14, 2009
175) P. A. Ariya, G. Kos and R. Mortazavi, "Chemical interactions of snow-air bio-organic matter, International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols", Prague, Czech Republic, August 10-14, 2009
174) J. Sun, H. Leighton, P.A. Ariya and P. Yau "Devleopment of bioareosol 1.5 Dimension model: International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Prague, Czech Republic, August 10-14, 2009"
173) V. Kanthasamy, E.D. Hudson and P.A.Ariya, "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Using Solid-phase Microextraction (SPME)", 54th International Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, Montreal, Quebec, August 03-06, 2008
172) D. Deeds, F. Raofie, and P. A. Ariya, "Chemical Speciation of Airborne Mercury Compounds", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 27th, 2009
171) E.-A. Guérette, P.A. Ariya, "Experimental Study of the Oxidation of Gaseous Elemental Mercury by Bromine Radicals", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
170) V. Kanthasamy and P.A. Ariya, "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Using Solid-phase Microextraction (SPME)", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
169) G. Kos, N. Adechina, P.A. Ariya; "Snow-Air Exchange Processes at Barrow, Alaska in Spring 2009", MOCA-09, Montreal, QC, Canada; 19-29 Jul, 2009
168) N. Eltouny and P.A. Ariya, Reduction of VOCs and SVOCs by Nanomaterials and Photolysis, MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
167) R. Mortazavi, C. Hayes, P. Ariya, "Ice Nucleation Activities of Snow Bacterial Isolate vs Organic/Inorganic Substrates", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
166) R. Mortazavi, P. Ariya, "Susceptibility of Ice Nucleation Activities of Pseudomonas Syringae by Ultraviolet Light and Hypoxia", MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Qc, Canada, July 19th to 29th, 2009
165) D. Deeds, O. Gianfrancesco and P. A. Ariya, "A Novel Method for Removal and Recovery of Mercury from Consumer Wastes", 9th Annual International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guiyang City, China, June 7-12, 2009
164) G. Snider and P.A. Ariya, "Photocatlytic oxidation of gaseous mercury over titanium dioxide", 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant,Guizhou, China, June 9th 2009
163) L. Si and P.A. Ariya, "Aqueous Photo-chemistry of Hg(II) with Dicarboxylic Acids (C2-C4)", 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guizhou, China, June 9th 2009
162) L. Si and P.A. Ariya, "The Reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species with Selected Thiols and its Environmental Implications", 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guizhou, China, June 9th 2009
161) G. Snider and P.A. Ariya, "Effects of Relative Humidity and CO(g) on the O3-initiated Reaction of Hg0(g): Kinetic & product studies", 9th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant,Guizhou, China, June 9th 2009
160) D. Deeds, F. Raofie and P. A. Ariya, "Mercury Speciation in Multiple Environmental Matrices Using Adsorption Techniques with Mass Spectrometric Detection", 9th Annual International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Guiyang City, China, June 7-12, 2009
159) N. Eltouny and P.A. Ariya, "Reduction of VOCs and SVOCs by Nanomaterials and Photolysis", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, Canada, June 2nd, 2009
158) L. Si and P.A. Ariya, "Photo-reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species by Selected Thiols and its Environmental Implications", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, Canada, June 2nd, 2009
157) V. Kanthasamy and P.A. Ariya, "Determination of Formaldehyde in Ambient Air Using Solid-phase Microextraction (SPME)", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, Ontario, May 30-June 03, 2009
156) G. Snider and P.A. Ariya, "Photocatlytic oxidation of gaseous mercury over titanium dioxide", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, Canada, June 2nd, 2009
155) E.-A. Guérette, P.A. Ariya, "Experimental Study of the Oxidation of Gaseous Elemental Mercury by Bromine Radicals", 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, Canada, June 2nd, 2009
154) E.D. Hudson, V. Kanthasamy and P.A. Ariya, "Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) methods for the determination of trace aldehydes and ketones in seawater and ambient air", Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographical Society (CMOS) Congress 2009, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 31-June 04,2009
153) L. Si and P.A. Ariya, "Photo-reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species by Selected Thiols and its Environmental Implications", 2009 AGU joint assembly, Toronto, ON, May 25, 2009
152) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya; "Snowpack and Air Interactions of (Semi)volatile Organic Compounds at Alert, Nunavut", Eos Trans. 1, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA; AGU, 89 (53), Fall Meet. Suppl. C41C-0540, 5-19 Dec, 2008
151) F. Raofie, G Snider, P. Ariya, "Reaction of gaseous mercury with molecular iodine, atomic iodine, and iodine oxide radicals - Kinetics, product studies, and atmospheric implications", Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. A53D-0322, 5-19 Dec, 2008
150) E. Guérette, G. Snider, P. Ariya, "Photocatlytic oxidation of gaseous mercury over titanium dioxide and dibromomethane", Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. A53D-0319, 5-19 Dec, 2008
149) L. Si, P. Ariya, "Kinetic and Product Studies of the Reaction Between Oxidized Mercury Species and Selected Thiols", Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. A53D-0313, 5-19 Dec, 2008
148) G. Snider, F. Raofie, P. Ariya, "Effects of Relative Humidity and CO(g) on the O3-initiated Oxidation Reaction of Hg0(g): Kinetic and product studies", Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. A53D-0323, 5-19 Dec, 2008
147) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya; "Volatile Organic Compounds at Alert - Snow Pack & Boundary Layer Composition", Arctic Change 2008, Quebec, QC, Canada, 09-12 December, 2008
146) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya; "Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air", Carleton University, Department of Chemistry, Ottawa, Canada, 7 Apr, 2008
145) Edward Hudson , Parisa Ariya, Non-methane hydrocarbons over the far North Atlantic and their Relationships to Marine Dissolved Organic Matter, CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
144) Gregor Kos , Parisa Ariya, Determination of Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Snow Samples from Urban and Rural Quebec CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
143) Jiming Sun , Parisa A. Ariya , Henry G. Leighton, Modeling study of ice formation by bacteria in warm-based convective cloud CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
142) Parisa Ariya, Snow reactions: impacts on atmospheric chemistry, CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
141) Edward Hudson, Kadek Okuda, Parisa Ariya, Acetone and other volatile organic compounds in surface seawaters from the Nordic seas as measured by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) methods. CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
140) Gregor Kos, Parisa A. Ariya, Determination of Selected Organic Compounds in Snow and Air in the Canadian Arctic CMOS-CGU-AMS congress, St. Johns, NFL, May 28-June 1, 2007
139) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow and Air at Alert, Nunavut, American Geophysical Union (AGU) , Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA Eos, Trans. AGU 87 (52) , Fall Meet. Suppl. C41E-08, Dec 2007
138) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Snow Samples from Urban and Rural Quebec USA Eos, Trans. AGU, Dec 2007
137) Jiming Sun, H. Leighton and P. A. Ariya, "Modeling of bacteria in ice multiplication of warm based cumulus clouds ", IAMAS, Italy, 2007
136) Jiming Sun, H. Leighton and P. A. Ariya, "Ice nucleation ability of bacteria ", IAMAS, Italy, 2007
135) Gregor Kos and P. A. Ariya, "Development of an SPME technique for VOC measurement in snow", CMOS, 2006.
134) Graydon Snider and Parisa Ariya, "The effect of relative humidity on the reaction rates of ozone reactions", AGU, fall meeting, 2007.
133) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, "Characterization of atmospheric volatile organic compounds, size-fractionated aerosols and dissolved organic matter from the far North Atlantic", AGU fall meeting, December 2007.
132) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, " development of analytical technique for measurement of wide range of oxygenated organic compounds", AGU fall meeting, December 2007
131) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow and Air at Alert, Nunavut, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA Eos, Trans. AGU 87 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl. C41E-08, Dec 2006.
130) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Snow Samples from Urban and Rural Quebec Canadian Meteorology and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Congress, Toronto, ON, Canada 28-31 May, 2006.
129) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air During Snow Melt in Alert,Nunavut in Spring 2006, European Geophysical Union, Joint Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2007.
128) Si Lin and P. A. Ariya, Unraveling the reduction of Hg(II) to Hg0 by Dicarboxylic Acids: Kinetic, Product and Mechanism Studies, 89th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 27-May 31, 2006;
127) Si Lin, and P. A. Ariya, Kinetic, Product and Mechanism Studies of the transformations of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Dicarboxylic Acids and its environmental implications, 27th Annual Meeting in North America of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Montreal, Quebec, November 5-9, 2006.
126) Roya Mortazavi, Gregor Kos, Parisa A. Ariya, A Comparison Study of Volatile Organic Compound Species and Concentrations in Snow Samples From Rural Sites in South-Western Quebec and at Alert, Nunavut. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006. San Francisco, CA, USA. December 11-15, 2006.
125) Snider G.A., Raofie F., Ryzhkov A., Ariya* P.A., Oxidation Rate of O3-Iinitiated Reaction with Hg0. Effects of Relative Humidity, Canadian Society for Chemistry 2006 Halifax, NS.
124) Ariya, P.A., Snider, G.,Vahedpour, M., Raofie, F. What Is the Lifetime of Hg(0) upon O3-initiated Reactions? International Conference on Hg as a Global Pollutant: Madison, WI. (2006).
123) Graydon Snider, Morteza Vahedpour, Farhad Raofie, Parisa Ariya, Relative humidity and Ozone-initiated Reactions of Gaseous Mercury, IGSRS March 29, 30 2007.
122) A. B. Rhykov, F. Raofie, P. A. Ariya, H. Niki and G. W. Harris, "Kinetic, Product and Theoretical Studies of the Gas-Phase Reactions of Toluene and Benzene with Chlorine Atoms", 89th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Halifax, May 2006.
121) H.-M. Hung and P. A. Ariya, "The Oxidation of Oleic Acid and Oleic Acid/NaCl(aq) Mixture, Droplets with Ozone: the Changes of Hygroscopicity and the Role of Secondary Reactions", European Geophysical Union (EGU) meeting (Vienna), April 2006.
120) Jiming Sun, H. Leighton and P. A. Ariya, "Modeling of bacteria in ice multiplication of warm based cumulus clouds", EGU meeting (Vienna), April 2006.
119) Jiming Sun, H. Leighton and P. A. Ariya, "Ice nucleation ability of bacteria", Canadian Meteorology and Oceanographic Society (CMOS), 2006.
118) Gregor Kos and P. A. Ariya, "Development of an SPME technique for VOC measurement in snow", CMOS, 2006.
117) Graydon Snider and Parisa Ariya, "The effect of relative humidity on the reaction rates of ozone reactions", GSRS: Montreal, March 16-17 2006.
116) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, "Characterization of atmospheric volatile organic compounds, size-fractionated aerosols and dissolved organic matter from the far North Atlantic", 3rd Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Research Symposium, Montreal, March 16-17, 2006.
115) Graydon Snider and P. A. Ariya, "Kinetic and mechanistic studies of O3-intitiated reaction of elemental mercury at various RH", Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC): Halifax May 27-31 2006.
114) Andrew Rhykov and Parisa Ariya, Reactions of Criegee and substituted Criegee biradicals with water dimer, trimer and tetramer, CSC: Halifax May 27-31, 2006.
113) Si Lin and Parisa Ariya, kinetic and mechanistic studies of mercuric ion reduction by photoinduction of dicarboxylic acids, CSC: Halifax May 27-31, 2006.
112) E.D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya. Dissolved Organic Carbon in surface ocean waters: exploring relationships to Volatile Organic Compounds in the marine troposphere, 89th Canadian Chemistry Conference (CSC), Halifax, NS, May 27-31, 2006.
111) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, A Standardized Sampling Procedure for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Determined in Snow Samples, Eos Trans. AGU 86 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl. A21C-0874, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 05-09, 2005.
110) J. Sun, P. A. Ariya, Modeling Studying on Ice Formation by Bacteria in Warm-based Convective Cloud, Eos Trans. AGU 86 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., A51B-0045, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 05-09, 2005.
109) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya. Non-methane Hydrocarbons over the Greenland and Norwegian Seas, Adams Graduate Symposium in Earth Sciences, Montreal, QC, March 17-18, 2005.
108) P. A. Ariya, "Bioaerosol chemistry and physics: Atmospheric implications", 39th Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 31 - June 3, 2005.
107) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, Non-methane Hydrocarbons over the far North Atlantic: Connections to Marine Dissolved Organic Matter, 39th Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 31 - June 3, 2005.
106) Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) AMAP Report 2004:4
The Combined Effects of Climate Change, Acid Rain and Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) on Mercury Contamination of Arctic Ecosystems, David Lean, Nazafarin Lahoutifard, Sofia Perin, Melissa Sparling, Lisa Loseto, Susannah Scott, Parisa Ariya, Marc Amyot Steven Siciliano and Nelson O'Driscoll, pages 392-402
105) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya, Non-methane Hydrocarbons over the Greenland and Norwegian Seas, Eos Trans. AGU, 85 (47), A43C-0077, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17, 2004.
104) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow Using Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME), Eos Trans. AGU, 85 (47), A11B-0053, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17, 2004.
103) S. K. Pathak, P. A. Ariya, Laboratory Studies of Ice Nucleation on Organic Aerosol Surfaces, Eos Trans. AGU, 85 (47), A54B-08, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 13-17, 2004.
102) J. Sun and P.A. Ariya, "The role of bioorganic matter in the cloud formation process using column version of the model NARCM", The third international ocean-atmosphere conference, Beijing, China, June 28-30, 2004.
101) A. Rhyzhkov and P.A. Ariya, "A theoretical study of atmospherically important complexes of Griegee intermediate with water clusters and its reactions", 228th national American Chemical Society conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Aug 21-26, 2004.
100) P.A. Ariya, V. Cote and H. Vali, "Bioaersols at snow-air interface", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
99) J. Lafleur and P.A. Ariya, "Conversion of Atmospheric Aerosol by Bacteria and Their Influence on Ice-Nucleation Activity", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
98) V. Cote and P.A. Ariya, "Microbial Transformation of Dicarboxylic Acids by Airborne Bacteria", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
97) G. Kos and P.A. Ariya, "Identification of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) From Photochemical Activity in Snow Samples", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
96) G. Kos, M. Shawi and P. A. Ariya, "Interaction of selected Organic Compounds with Airborne Fungi: Impact in Ice Nucleation", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
95) S.K. Pathak and P.A. Ariya, "A Novel Experimental Technique for Ice Crystal Generation Under High Humid Environments", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
94) S.K. Pathak and P.A. Ariya, "Study of Ice Nucleation by Organic Compounds via Heterogeneous Mechanism", American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
93) A.B. Ryzhkov and P.A. Ariya, "Structure, stability, and reactions of complexes of Criegee intermediate with water H2COO-(H2O)n, n=1-3: density functional theory investigation, Annual American Physical Society Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, March 22-26, 2004.
92) P.A. Ariya, V. Cote and J. Lafleur, "Chemistry induced by bioaerosols: impact on cloud condensation and ice nucleation", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
91) B. Pal and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product study of O3 and HO initiated oxidation of Hg0", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
90) F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product study of BrO initiated oxidation of Hg0", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
89) S. Shirin and P.A. Ariya, "Long path high resolution FTIR study of HO-initiated oxidation of b-pinene", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
88) C. Bougie and P.A. Ariya, "Product yield of organic and inorganic peroxides upon ozonolysis of selected terminal and internal alkenes", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
87) V. Cote and P.A. Ariya, "Microbiological transformation of organic compounds in the troposphere", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
86) P. Bera and P.A. Ariya, "Development of a robust technique for measurement of VOCs", The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
85) A.B. Ryzhkov and P.A. Ariya, "Atmospheric Reactions of Mono- and Dimethylsubstituted Criegee Intermediate with Water",, The 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 10-15, 2003.
84) A.B. Ryzhkov, B.J. Revenaz and P.A. Ariya, "Ozonolysis of alkenes - impacts on sulfur oxidation in sulfate aerosols during fall and winter,", 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, USA, September 7-11, 2003.
83) A.B. Ryzhkov, P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Study of the Atmospheric Reactions of Carbonyl Oxide with Water, ", 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, USA, March 23-27, 2003.
82) Q. Timergazin and P. A. Ariya, "Thermochemical and laboratory studies of Cl, and Br initiated reactions of selected alkenes", 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, USA, March 23-27, 2003.
81) P.A. Ariya and O. Nepotchatykh, "Ozonolysis reactions of dicarboxylic acids", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
80) N. Kwemena, D. Meritis and P.A. Ariya, "Product studies of peroxide formation upon ozonolysis of alkenes", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
79) A. Garib and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product studies of reactions of Cl-atom with some haloakene and alkenes in the marine boundary layer", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
78) A.B. Ryzhkov, H. Leighton and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Study of the Atmospheric Reactions of Carbonyl Oxide with Water", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, , Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
77) Q. Timergazin, and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical and laboratory studies of reactions of Br with selected alkenes", 85th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition, , Vancouver, Canada, June 1-5, 2002.
76) P.A. Ariya, A. Khalizov, B. Viswanathan, A. Gidas and D. Moritis, "Reactions of mercury upon halogen and halogen oxides", American Society for Liminology and Oceanography, 2002.
75) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air at Alert, Nunavut University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute,for Agrobiotechnology, Center for Analytical Chemistry, 2008.
74) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air in the Canadian Arctic Vienna University of Technology, Department of Chemical Technologies & Analytics, Carleton University, March 2008.
73) E. D. Hudson, G. Kos, K. Okuda, P. A. Ariya. Volatile Organic Compounds of atmospheric interest, graduate student workshop, Montreal, 2008.
72) Christopher Hayes, and P. A. Ariya, Ice nucleating bacterial microphysics, undergraduate research science symposium, McGill, 2007.
71) Si Lin and Parisa Ariya, Photo-redox reactions of mercuric ions in aqueous organic systems, Metals in environment, November 2007
70) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air in Alert, Nunavut, GEC Centre Day, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Apr, 2007
69) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air at Alert, Nunavut University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute,for Agrobiotechnology, Center for Analytical Chemistry, Tulln, Austria
68) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow & Air in the Canadian Arctic Vienna University of Technology, Department of Chemical Technologies & Analytics, Vienna, Austria Mar, 2007
67) G. Kos, P.A. Ariya, Volatile Organic Compounds in Snow and Air at Alert, Nunavut, McGill University, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Montreal, QC, Canada, 08 Jan, 2007
66) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya. Characterization of atmospheric volatile organic compounds, size-fractionated aerosols and dissolved organic matter from the far North Atlantic, 3rd Annual Interdisciplinary graduate Student Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, March 16-17, 2006.
65) Roya Mortazavi, Gregor Kos, Parisa A. Ariya. Microbial and Volatile Organic Compounds Concentration Assessment in Snow Samples at South-Western Quebec and at Alert, Nunavut. GEC3. Montreal, QC, Canada. April 26, 2007
64) E. D. Hudson, G. Kos, K. Okuda, P. A. Ariya. Volatile Organic Compounds of Biogeochemical Interest in the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere, AGM of the Global Environmental Change and Climate Centre (GEC3), Montreal, QC, March 8, 2006.
63) E. D. Hudson, P. A. Ariya. «Volatile Organic Compounds over the Nordic Seas », Concordia Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference, Montreal, QC, November 18-19, 2005.
38) F. Raofie and P. A. Ariya, Development of technique for measurement of mercury aerosols, COMERN, 2006.
62) Si Lin and Parisa Ariya, Photo-redox reactions of mercuric ions in aqueous organic systems, COMERN, 2006.
61) F. Raofie, P. A. Ariya, Reaction of Gaseous Mercury with IO, Iodine Radicals and Molecular Iodine: Kinetics and Product Studies, and Atmospheric Implication, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
60) L. Si, P. A. Ariya, Unraveling the Reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species by Dicarboxylic Acids: Kinetic, Product and Mechanism Studies, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
59) S. Harrison, G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, The Effect of Pseudomonas Syringae on Ice Nucleation in Water and Malonic Acid Solutions Using a Freezing Nuclei Counter, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
58) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, Sampling and Analysis of Surface Snow for Volatile Organic Compounds, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
57) F. Raofie, P. A. Ariya, Reaction of Gaseous Mercury with IO, Iodine Radicals and Molecular Iodine: Kinetics and Product Studies, and Atmospheric Implication, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
56) L. Si, P. A. Ariya, Unraveling the Reduction of Oxidized Mercury Species by Dicarboxylic Acids: Kinetic, Product and Mechanism Studies, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
55) S. Harrison, G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, The Effect of Pseudomonas Syringae on Ice Nucleation in Water and Malonic Acid Solutions Using a Freezing Nuclei Counter, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
54) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, Sampling and Analysis of Surface Snow for Volatile Organic Compounds, McGill Environmental Research Symposium, Montreal, QC, May 2-3, 2005
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) AMAP Report 2004:4 , D Lean, N Lahoutifard, S Perin, M Sparling, L Loseto, S Scott, P Ariya, M A. Amyot, S Siciliano, N O'Driscoll, The Combined Effects of Climate Change, Acid Rain and Ultraviolet Radiation(UVR) on Mercury Contamination in the Arctic.
53) G. Kos, V. Cote, J. Lafleur, H. Vali, P. A. Ariya, Field and Laboratory Studies of Bioaerosols, MAQNet Workshop, York University, Toronto, ON, February 15-16, 2004.
52) J. Sun, P. A. Ariya, Organic and Bioaerosols and IFN and CCN, MAQNet Workshop, York University, Toronto, ON, February 15-16, 2004.
51) A. Ryzhkov, P. A. Ariya, A Theoretical Study of the Reactions of Criegee Intermediate with Water Clusters, 12th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Toronto, ON, December 6-7, 2004.
50) J. Sun, P. A. Ariya, Preliminary Modeling Study of Bacteria on Ice Cloud Formation via Contact Nucleation, 12th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Toronto, ON, December 6-7, 2004.
49) G. Kos and P.A. Ariya, "Development of methodology for measurement of organics in snow", Centre for Climate and Global Change Student Symposium, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2004.
48) A.B. Ryzhkov and P.A. Ariya, "A Density functional study of complexes and reactions of benzene and toluene with chlorine atoms", Fourth Annual CERMM Symposium, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, March 26-27, 2004.
47) A.B. Ryzhkov, P.A. Ariya, "A Theoretical Investigation of the Reactions of Parent and Substituted Carbonyl Oxides with Water Under Near Atmospheric Conditions", Third Annual CERMM Symposium, Centre for Research in Molecular Modeling, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, January 10-11, 2004.
46) A.B. Ryzhkov, Bertrand J. Revenaz, P.A. Ariya, "Impact of the Alkenes Ozonolysis on Sulfur Oxidation in Sulfate Aerosols", 10th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Atmospheric Physics Group, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, December 15-16, 2003.
45) A.B. Ryzhkov, B. J. Revenaz and P.A. Ariya, "Atmospheric Impact of Alkene Ozonolysis on Sulfur Oxidation in Sulfate Aerosols", Symposium on Chemical Physics at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, October 31 - November 2, 2003.
44) F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "First evidence of stable Hg(I) compounds in atmospheric aerosols", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, New Brunswick, Canada, 2003.
43) Biswajit Pal and P. A. Ariya, "HO initiated oxidation of elemental mercury: kinetic and product studies", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, New Brunswick, Canada, 2003.
42) B. Pal and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetic and product studies of ozone initiated oxidation of elemental mercury", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, New Brunswick, Canada, 2003.
41) F. Raofie and P. A. Ariya, Photoreduction of oxidized mercury in presence of simple organics: environmental implication, Collaborative Mercury Research Network, New Brunswick, Canada, 2003.
40) M. Amyot and P. A. Ariya, "Reactions of mercury in the interface of atmosphere and water", Metals in the Environment, Winnipeg, 2002.
39) A.B. Ryzhkov, P.A. Ariya, "A theoretical study of the reactions of carbonyl oxide with water in the atmosphere: the role of water dimer", 10th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Atmospheric Physics Group, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, December 16-17, 2002.
38) A.B. Ryzhkov, P.A. Ariya and H. Leighton, "A Theoretical Study of the Atmospheric Reaction of Carbonyl Oxide with Water Vapor", Second Annual CERMM Symposium , Centre for Research in Molecular Modeling , Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Concordia University , Montreal, Canada, January 19, 2002.
37) P. A. Ariya, V. Cote, O. Neptokchykh, "Bacterial degradation of atmospheric biofilms", The European Workshop Materials for Advanced Metallization, Vaals, Netherlands, Mar. 3-6, 2002.
36) B. Paul and P. A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product studies of the reactions of O3 and HO with gaseous mercury", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, Peterborough, ON, Canada, 2002.
35) F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product studies of the reaction of BrO radicals with gaseous mercury", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, Peterborough, ON, Canada, 2002.
34) H. Hintelman, A. Arp, P.A. Ariya, S. Scott, "Speciation, chemistry and dynamics of atmospheric mercury", Collaborative Mercury Research Network, Peterborough, ON, Canada, 2002.
33) A. Khalizov, B. Viswanathan, A. Gidas and P. A. Ariya, "Laboratory and theoretical studies of reactions of mercury with halogens and halogen oxides", Second Annual CERMM Symoposium at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Janunary 19, 2002.
32) A. Ryzhkov, H. Leighton and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical studies of Criegee biradical", Second Annual CERMM Symoposium at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Janunary 19, 2002.
31) P.A. Ariya, "Box Modelling of Hg", University of Toronto, Canadian Middle Atmospheric Modeling workshop, November 2001.
30) B. Viswanathan and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical studies of Hg0 + halogens", Molecular Chemistry workshop, Concordia University, January 2001.
29) A. Khalizov and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Studies of X/X2/XO + SO2", Molecular Chemistry workshop, Concordia University, January 2001.
28) P.A. Ariya, "Formation of condensed matter upon reaction of reactive halogens with mercury", Materials for Advanced Metallization workshop, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2000.
27) P.A. Ariya, "Sulfur conversion in atmospheric aerosol", Materials for Advanced Metallization conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 1999.
26) P. A. Ariya (Hooshiyar), J. Chen, V. Young and H. Niki, "FTIR studies of reactions of Cl-atom with ethylene oxide", NATO-ASI, Martea, Italy, 1993.
25) M. S. Amyot, P. A. Ariya, J. Lalonde and L. Poissant, "Temporal changes of Hg and major ion concentrations in surface snow following a mercury depletion event in North of Quebec", International Conference on Mercury, Japan, October 2001.
24) P.A. Ariya, "Interactions of Hg in atmosphere and interactions of snowpack and atmosphere", 8th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria, July 10-18, 2001.
23) P. A. Ariya, "Formation of HOx and impact on dark tropospheric chemistry", 8th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria, July 10-18, 2001.
22) W. Miller, P. Ariya, K. Denman, D. Farmer, P. Harrison, P. Jones, U. Lohmann, M. Levasseur, R. Moore, R. Rivkin, T. Pedersen, S. Sathyendranath, A. Vezina, M. Wadleigh, C.S. Wong. "Overview of the Canadian SOLAS Research Network plans", invited presentation, International Global Aerosol Program, Germany, 2001.
21) P.A. Ariya, A.F. Khalizov and A. Gidas, "Kinetics and Product Studies of Reactions of Hg0 + X/X2/XO(X=Cl and Br) at Atmospheric pressure and T = 296±2 K", Canadian Chemical Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 26-30, 2001.
20) E.V. Avzianova and P.A. Ariya, "Temperature Dependence Kinetics and Product Studies of Selected Tropospheric Ozonolysis Reactions of Alkenes", Canadian Chemical Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 26-30, 2001.
19) B. Viswanathan and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Investigation of Hg0 Reactions with X/X2/OX Species", Canadian Chemical Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 26-30, 2001.
18) A.F. Khalizov and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Study on the Role of Halogens and Halogen oxides in Tropospheric SO2 Oxidation", Canadian Chemical Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 26-30, 2001.17) E.V. Avzianova and P.A. Ariya, "Temperature Dependence Kinetics and Product Studies of Selected Tropospheric Ozonolysis Reactions of Alkenes", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 15-19, 2000.
16) A.F. Khalizov and P.A. Ariya, "Spectroscopic kinetic and mechanistic studies of the reaction between gaseous mercury and halogens", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 15-19, 2000.
15) P.A. Ariya, A. Khalizov and A. Gidas, "Is the destruction of Hg indeed due to halogen reactions?", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 15-19, 2000.14) P.A. Ariya, "On the search for new mechanisms for acid-rain in atmospheric aerosols", 33rd annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 31 - June 4, 1999.
13) P.A. Ariya, "Chemistry of sulfur and halogens", LEAS, China, 1999.
12) P. A. Ariya, A. Khalizov and B. Viswanathan, "Reactions of Cl/Br + SO2 and impact in formation of cloud nuclei", 34th annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 29 - June 1, 2000.
11) P.A. Ariya, R. Sander and P. J. Crutzen, "On the dark S(IV) to S(VI) conversion mechanism in the cloud", XXIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.
10) P.A. Ariya, J.F. Hopper, G.W. Harris, "Measurement of C2-C7 hydrocarbons in interestitial snow", XXIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998.
9) V. Catoire, P.A. Ariya, G.W. Harris, "Kinetics and mechanisms of Cl- and Br-atom initiated oxidations of chloroethylenes", XXI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, The Hague, Netherlands, May 6-10, 1996.
8) P.A. Ariya, V. Catoire, H. Niki and G.Harris, "FTIR and GC studies of Cl- and Br-atom reactions of chlorinated ethenes", International Informal Conference on Photochemistry, Minnesota, U.S.A., 1996.
7) V. Catoire, P.A. Ariya, G.W. Harris, "FTIR Studies of halogen reactions of chlorinated ethenes", XXI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, The Hague, Netherlands, May 6-10, 1996.
6) P.A. Ariya, B. Fu, V. Young, T. Bisenthal, G. W. Harris and H. Niki, "Polar Sunrise Experiment 1995: Halogen chemistry in the Arctic troposphere", American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Fransisco, CA, U.S.A., December 11-15, 1995.
5) P.A. Ariya, V. Catoire and H. Niki, "The Cl-atom reaction of tropospheric hydrocarbons", International Conference on Atmospheric Toxics, Valencia, Spain, 1995.
4) P. A. Ariya, B.T. Jobson, F. Hopper and H. Niki, "Polar Sunrise Experiment: Further evidence for Cl-atom chemistry", AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., Dec. 5-9, 1994.
3) P. A. Ariya (Hooshiyar), B. T. Jobson and H. Niki, "Cl-atom Reactions of Alkanes", International Conference on Photochemistry, Toronto, 1994.
2) P. A. Ariya (Hooshiyar), T. Zhu and H. Niki, "FTIR Study of HO-initiated oxidation of 1,3-butadiene and acrolein", International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Gathesberg, U.S.A., 1992.
1) J. Chen, P. A. Ariya (Hooshiyar), R. Callaghan, V. Young and H. Niki, "FTIR study of Cl reaction of ethylene oxide", International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Gathesberg, U.S.A., 1992.